

PD538RNI is active from Aug. 28th till Sep. 20th 2014.My love for radio has started in the early 70's while listening to Radio Veronica and Radio Northsea International. Both stations transmitted from radio ships on the North Sea and had millions of listeners. Radio Veronica transmitted on medium wave. Radio Northsea International transmitted on medium wave, short wave and FM. Every day good programs, fantastic DJ's, nice jingles and radio tunes! The DJ's became sort of family; a part of your life!Radio Northsea International on sw triggered me to listen to sw (DX) radio stations and a new hobby was born.... and it was a training for good radio ears too.In 1974 the Dutch government passed its anti-pirate legislation and announced that the law was to come into effect on Sept. 1st 1974. Both stations closed down in the evening of Aug. 31st 1974.Aug. 31st 1974: the day the music died!After a long time of being a radio (sw) listener, I got my radio license and started as a HAM operator. Every day I'm active on the bands: no day without radio!All in all: my love for radio started by listening to Radio Veronica and Radio Northsea International!73'PD538RNI / PD0ARI    Arie Rietveld.QSL: direct or via bureau.Direct: please SAE + $2,=Direct voor Nederland a.u.b. geadresseerde en gefrankeerde retour enveloppe.