

08-03-2008    23.30 UTC     6307 KHzsome replies to this post:Hello Francesco, I heard Sallandse Boer on 6307 on 08/03/2008 but at 15H45 UTC, not 23H30, maybe it's the same station.You can see all my pirate logbook at : Greetings. Iann, FranceGreetings! 6306 kHz:  "This is Viking Radio from Holland!  Nice to know your page!! Very interesting!You have many receivers!! Sometimes later I must learn more about SSTV!  Regards, harriHi Francesco,        Id is from Radio Viking, but you will sure know it allready...!!        Radio Viking is indead a dutch pirate station...        Have a fine weekend, mayby tomorrow you will hear Radio Altrex... in the        morning I will be on air on 6270khz if the freq is clear...        Enjoy listening on the 48 mtr band,        73's   Radio Altrex...Thanks for your e-mail, Francesco!!!!  Your audio file helped me identify the station!!!  Like you, I did not know who it was until I listened to your recording on your web site just now!!!!  The station is Viking Radio.  I heard it at the exact same time as you did!!  Your recording is a little better than mine of course.  I haven't been able to find an e-mail address yet, but I'll keep searching.  I'll let you know if I find something. Thanks again for your e-mail!!73                 Dave Hi Francesco, I did not hear the UNID myself, but Dave Valko's 'European Pirate Report from Dunlo, PA, USA, 9 March 2008' on Alfa Lima's forum might provide some clues. He mentions the KISS song in his 6306.01 UNID log. Hope this help : ) CheersSealordHi,It's Viking Radio - I think it's the same station asR. Robbie or R. Tower. You may try the PO Box inMarkelo for QSL.73RobertasHello Francesco,After listening to your clip I think that this is Radio Viking. This station also transmitted next day on the same frequency (6306). It is possible that that night they were doing some tests in order to be ready next morning.I hope I can post a message on Alfa Lima Net ( with link to you page, because many people wonder about this UNID. I think your clip is an answer of this question.THX&GreetingsMichal   Dear Francesco                 I have heard the clip on your web site at the link that you have provided and i think that i can hear the id "This is Viking Radio from Holland".                                Regaurds and 73                         Steven OverallCiao Francesco,grande il tuo aiuto....  bella campagna di promo della UNID e mi sembra che sia OK. Fucking per me... e realmente Viking!!!  Ed ora Il momento di trovare un indirizzo email è con questo grande aiuto... in pochi minuti lo conosciamo.Oggi pochissime segnalazione, R Barretina matina e primo pomeriggio, ed Play Back tutto il giorno con relay di programmi USA, storie varie... Nulla di piu.... mi dispiace. Forze questa serata sara meglio ma lo dubbio.... Bel sole e vento, qui.SalutoniSilveriCiao Francescodice This is Viking Radio.Ciao.RobertoThank you, my friend.  You have helped me to ID this station that I reported on Pirate Shortwave Loggings on that day.  It is very clear from your recording that it is indeed Viking Radio from Holland.  Due to the static crashes from rainstorms in this part of the U.S., it was hard to make out what he was saying when I heard this station from about 2320-2335 U.T.C.  I found a mailing address for Viking Radio at P. O. Box 49, 7475 ZG Markelo, THE NETHERLANDS.  I will try to send a reception report there on Monday.  Thank you again for your help. Alex Vranes, Jr.Hello Fransesco! Thank you for the mail. Nice webpage!I see on your blog that you already have got many answers concerning your unid. I can only join the gang and say "This is Viking Radio from Holland" trying to reach America. And so the Viking did, congrats Dave and Alex! About the address; In december I tried Vikings old hotmail-address - it didn´t work. Then I sent a report to the box in Markelo. No reaction so far... I am also interested in a contact with this station, so if somebody finds a way... Jan