

Dear friends, During the past week I squeezed the following out of my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 m longwire here in Skovlunde: 3345    *1800-1815    AFS    13-03    AWR, via Meyerton    English religious talk    45333 // 3215 (35232)    AP-DNK 4905    1700-1735* and back about 1820-1845 and 2105-2134*    TCH    08-03    R Tchad, N*Djaména back, but still with tx fall out, Arabic/Vernacular/French talks about N'Djaména, political comments, African songs, s/off National Anthem    43443    QRM Tibet until 1810*    AP-DNK     Also heard on 11+12-15-03. N4990    *0022-0035    IND    14-03    AIR Itanagar back on the air    Hindi (?) ann after AIR Hymn, talks with musical pieces in between, low modulation    34232 Splashed from Xinjiang 4980 in Uighur. AIR Itanagar was not heard same time 15-03    AP-DNK 5009.78    2335-2400*    DOM    12+13-03    R Cristal Int., Sto. Domingo (very, very tentative)    Spanish (??) fast and slow talks, music and songs    15221    AP-DNK 5910.07    2345-2400    CLM    07-03    Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda    Spanish ann, beautiful Colombian songs, adjacent QRM from both sides    33443    AP-DNK 5954.14    2310-2328    CTR    13-03    ELCOR Tx tested (presumed)    Spanish ann, Spanish songs    Strong, but very much disturbed by RTaiwan Int./Okeechobee 5950 (strong), R Pio Doce, Bolivia 5952.45 (very weak) and Voice of Turkey 5960 (strong), and totally spoiled at *2328 by Democratic Voice of Burma signing on from Wertachtal on 5955     33433    AP-DNK 6010    0010-0025    BHR    13-01    R Bahrain, Abu Hayan    English ann, English pop songs    34333    AP-DNK No more loggings, because I am busy preparing the new DBS. Best 73,Anker