

Dear DX-friends, The Domestic Broadcasting Survey-10 is now on sale, so I got some more time for DX-ing on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres longwire: 3396    0040-0050    ZWE    18+19.04    ZBC, Guineafowl, Gweru    Vernacular ann, Afropop heard // 4828! They probably no longer can afford to have two different programmes!    35343    AP-DNK 4699.37    0055-0115    BOL    19.04    R San Miguel, Riberalta    Spanish ann, hymns, hymns by choir    25232    AP-DNK 4716.70    0100-0140    BOL    19.04    R Yura, Yura    Spanish, female DJ introducing nice Andean pop songs, CWQRM    24333    AP-DNK     4775.00    *2336-0030    IND    16+17.04        AIR Imphal    Vernacular    Indian folksongs, talk, local songs by choir - New summer schedule!    34332        AP-DNK 4790.00    0113-0120    PAK    19.04    R Pakistan, Rewat, Islamabad    Kashmiri talk about Islam - was not on the air 17.04 at 0045, maybe later s/on than *0045?, heterodyne    34434    AP-DNK 4905    2025-2100    TCH    18.04    French ann, Afropop, e.g. "Harmonie", *2100 QRM from Xizang PBS    45444    AP-DNK 4950    0040-0050    IND    16.04    R Kashmir, Srinagar    Kashmiri talk, Kashmiri folksongs, best in LSB due to utility QRM    34433    AP-DNK 4965    0028-0045    IND    18.04    AIR Shimla    Hindi/English    Indian songs, 0030 Hindi news from Delhi heard // 4810, 4840, 4860, 4880, 4910, 4940, 4970 and 5010. 0035 English news heard // 4940, 4970 and 5010. 0040 Local programmes resumed with folksongs    34433    AP-DNK 4974.79    0140-0150    B    19.04    R Mundial, Osasco, SP    Portuguese excited talk    25343    AP-DNK 5009.80    2345-2358*    DOM    15+16.04    R Cristal Int., Santo Domingo    Spanish talks, pop songs, closing ann    15221     AP-DNK 5034.07    0045-0200    PAK    16+19.04    R Pakistan, Quetta    Urdu folksongs, 0100 talk (news ?), more folksongs, heterodyne from Brazil 5035    24333    AP-DNK 6035    *0000-0015    BTN   18+19.04    Bhutan Broadcasting Sce, Sangaygang    Horn fanfare, Dzongkha ann, Buddhist Monks intoning    34343    AP-DNK Have a good weekend!Anker Petersen