

27.April 2008 (Sonntag/Sunday)3930,0 R.Likedeeler 18.58 45444 G,E 19.21*,change from 3935 khz,hd by axel3935,0 R.Likedeeler 18.32 35333 G,E pop,techn.probl.,hl,heard by axel/köln3935,0 R.Likedeeler 20.30 14121 - vy low mx or only blanc carr.?5815,1 Orion Radio 06.56 15411 D 07.25*,polka&pop mx,f/o,techn.probleme6140,0 R.Gloria Int. 12.00 54444 G pop music&oldies,add6215,1 King SW 08.55 23121 E heard also in finl.,pops&oldies,100& id6220,1 Mystery Radio 06.00 44444 E poo&dance mx,jingles6220,1 R.Marabu 08.17 44444 G beilen add,"marabu gesundheitsdienst"6245,0 UNID 17.09 35333 - frsh&level 48 promos,heard in finland6258,4 UNID 08.33 14321 - not to ident.progr.,/mx,heard in finl.6264,6 R.Saxonia 08.18 13211 G clear id,heard also in finl.&france6265,0 R.Altrex 07.35 24322 - pop music6265,0 UNID 19.11 21331 - pops from the 70's,heard in finland6268,0 R.Altrex 09.25 23322 D schlager,pops&oldies6275,0 Calypso&Scirocco Radio 06.35 15111 D unknown mx,07.20:24232,e-mail,schlager6275,0 Calypso&Scirocco Radio 12.30 44444 D,E,G oldies,thanks for sms&e-mails,schlager6285,2 UNID 08.30 12221 - not to identify program/music6305,3 Delta/WB 13.40 34433 E popmx,jingles,deltapirat@hotmail.com6305,0 UNID 18.49 13211 E "...on 48 metre band",heard in finland6310,6 R.Condor 07.48 24222 E clear id,dance mx,e-mail,short heard6312,1 R.Barretina 08.22 15121 CADALAN cadalanian sound6324,9 RWI 10.15 15121 F,E 12.16*,"monday",at 10.35 short:253326400,5 R.Pionier/tent. 14.13 23332 - music,short heard,heard in france&finl.6524,2 R.Ramona 08.30 24232 E pop,heard in finl.,100% id via web rad.6882,0 Playback/Pirate Music 07.40 24232 E pops,jingles6960,8 R.Dr.Tim 09.37 34333 E 10.09*,music by j.m.jarre,test,uk-sinpo6540,3 R.Brigitte/tent. 14.15 23222 - weak music,heard in france