
Broadcasters set to QSY

Broadcasters set to QSYIn six months time, powerful shortwave broadcast stations are to migrate from the band 7100 to 7200 kilohertz as that spectrum fully reverts to the Amateur Radio Service.Before 1938 there was an exclusive amateur allocation of 7 to 7.3MHz.But due to world unrest 7.2 to 7.3MHz was taken away to accommodate propaganda broadcasting in the lead up to World War II.It had been thought the band would be returned to the Amateur Service, but it continued due to Cold War, and in fact broadcasting increased the size of its primary allocation.While in some parts of the world radio amateurs managed to retain 7 to 7.3 only the bottom third was amateur exclusive and the remainder shared with broadcasters.The International Amateur Radio Union mounted a campaign for the 40m band to be return globally to the Amateur Service. Its case stated that such as change would ensure effective communications support particularly in the event of natural disasters.The IARU pursued the issue at the World Radiocommunications Conference in 2003 gaining 7.1 to 7.2MHz worldwide for the Amateur Service, adding an extra 100kHz on the exclusive allocation, while sharing between 7.2 and 7.3MHz continues.Jim Linton VK3PC