

3927v       0327-0440    CLA    19.10    R Voice of Kurdistan, No. Iraq    Kurdish talk, mentioning Kurdistan, folkmusic, jumping 3924/3927/3939 to avoid Iranian jamming    34433    AP-DNK 3984.74    2205-2213    HRV    15.10    Hrvatski R, Deanovec    weak open carrier, but at *2217 shift from 6165 with a strong signal!    English news from EU Summit , 2230 Spanish news and 2250 Croatian programme (// 1134 MW)   S 9+10 dB    55544    AP-DNK 3984.84    0330-0340    HRV    19.10    Hrvatski R, Deanovec    Croatian interview, Accordion music, Croatian song    55555    AP-DNK 4699.39    0225-0235    BOL    19.10    R San Miguel, Riberalta    Spanish religious talk and shouting    25332    AP-DNK 4754.93    0235-0245    B    19.10    R Imaculada Conceicão, Campo Grande, MS (p)    Portuguese talk    25222    AP-DNK 4760.08    0240-0250    IND    19.10    R Kashmir, Leh (t)    Vernacular talk    15221    AP-DNK 4795.01    0245-0255    KGZ    19.10    Kyrgyz R 1, Krasnaya Rechka, Bishkek    Kyrgyz talk    25222 // 4010 (25333)    AP-DNK 4800.01    2245-2255    CHN    15.10    Voice of China, Ge'ermu    Chinese talk - back on the air after a month's absence, but weaker than usual    45434.    4820 Tibet was still off at 2255 on 15.10    AP-DNK 4865.65    0315-0325    CLA    19.10    Voice of Iranian Kurdistan, Al-Sulaymaniyah, No. Iraq    Kurdish news read by man and woman    34444 CODAR QRM, but no jamming at this hour    AP-DNK 4885.00    0320-0340    B    19.10    R Clube do Pará, Belém, PA    Portuguese ID: "Rádion Clube", Brazilian pop songs    45444    AP-DNK 4914.97    0335-0345    B    19.10    R Difusora, Macapá, AP    Portuguese ann, Brazilian pop songs    35333    AP-DNK 4930.00    0340-0350    BOT    19.10    VOA, via Moepeng Hill    English interview about vaccine against Chicken disease    44444 QRM Turkmen R    AP-DNK 4960.01    *0358-0405    STP    19.10    VOA, via Pinheira    English ID: "This is VOA, Washington, D.C., signing on" twice with "Yankee Doodle", 0400 news in English, CWQRM    44434    AP-DNK 4975.97    0350-0400    UGA    19.10    R Uganda, Kampala    English/Vernacular ann, Afropop, heterodyne    13221    AP-DNK 4985.00    0355-0445    B    Su 19.10    R Brasil Central, Goiânia, GO    Portuguese ann, Brazilian pop songs in late programme: "Bom Dia", ID's, time anns and songs    34443    AP-DNK 5035.00    0415-0425    B    19.10    R Aparecida, Aparecida, SP    Portuguese talk, probably religious, CWQRM    23121    AP-DNK 6165.00    2143-2217*    HRV    15.10    Hrvatski R, Deanovec    Croatian programme, 2215 English news started, but abrupt change to 3984.74 in mid sentence. Until then S 9+30 dB    55555    AP-DNK 15476.03    1900-1915    ATA    16.10    R Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel Esperanza    Spanish talk, after Africa No. 1 closed at 1900*    25121    Only a weak carrier heard on 20.10    AP-DNK Best 73,Anker