

Dear friends, This weekend I heard the following on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres longwire in Skovlunde: 4699.35    2255-2305    BOL    06.12    R San Miguel, Riberalta    Spanish conversation, instrumental music    23332 Utility QRM    AP-DNK 4716.70    2300-2310    BOL    06.12    R Yura, Yura    Spanish ann, Bolivian songs    25222    AP-DNK 4746.90    2305-2315    PRU    06.12    R Huanta 2000, Huanta    Spanish (?) talk    14221    QRM Qinghai PBS 4750 + utility    AP-DNK 4895    0235-0300 fade out    IND    06.12    AIR Kurseong    Hindi/English news from Delhi about low crude oil prices and sports news about Maradonna (// 4910), 0300 own programme   25333    AP-DNK 4940.00    2325-2335    CHN    06.12    Voice of the Strait, Fuzhou (p)    Chinese talk    15121    AP-DNK 5950    0505-0515    ETH    07.12    Voice of the Tigray Revolution, Addis Ababa (p)    Tigrinya (p) ann, Horn of Africa songs    35333    AP-DNK 5980    0720-1400    FIN    Sa 06.12    Scandinavian Weekend R, Virrat    Finnish talks, Finnish and English pop music (like "Rock around the Clock tonight", 1200-1400 sounded like a live report from the sauna with water sounds and Finnish conversation!, reception best at 1200-1400: 35333     AP-DNK 6170    1357-1400    FIN    Sa 06.12    Scandinavian Weekend R, Virrat     Finnish, live report from the sauna, 22332 // 5980, QRM 6170 R New Zealand Int. in English QSA 3 and Croatia 6165 in Croatian QSA 5. SWR 25 mb frequencies not audible here    AP-DNK7315    0445-0450    CLA    07.12    R Dabanga, via Wertachtal, Germany    Vernacular conversation, music from the Horn of Africa    43444 UNID tone on the channel    AP-DNK 11540    1210-1225    TJK    07.12    R Free Asia, via Yangiyul    Tibetan/English    Probably President Sarkozy giving an EU-speech for Dalai Lama about Tibetan autonomy    44434 weak CNR-1 jamming heard // 7230    AP-DNK 15375    1210-1225    UAE    07.12    R Free Asia, via Dhabbaya    Tibetan/English // 11540    24433    QRM Saudi Arabia 15380    AP-DNKBest 73,Anker