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Huo Qingtong looked at them both. "Let's go back tothe Jade Room," she said after a while. "Once we'vesettled down we can start thinking things through."They walked back the way they had come. Huo Qingtongpulled out the map once more and pored over it,desperately searching for a way out. Chen knew that polo shirts ifthey werepolo shirtsescape it was more likelypolo shirtsbe becauseof outside help or because Zhang ralph lauren polo shirts uk returnedpolo shirtslook forthem. But how could rescuers find them? And Zhang,after the fright he had just received, was unlikely todarepolo shirtscome in again. Scholar' Yu, under orderspolo shirtsinvestigate thewhereabouts of Wen Tailai, made discreet enquiriesalong the road as he went. But he discovered no clues,and in less than a day arrived at Liangzhou, aprosperous busy city and one of the largest in Gansuprovince.
He found a room in an inn, then wentpolo shirtsatavern and drank alone, bemoaning his fate. He thoughtof Luo Bing's voice and smile, and a tide of longingrose within him. He knew it was hopeless, and the morehe drank, the more melancholy he became. He was justaboutpolo shirtsleave when two men came in. Yu knew he hadseen one ralph lauren polo uk of them before and quickly turned his headaway. He thought frantically and placed him as one ofthe Yamen officers he had fought at Iron Gall Manor. Zhou shook his head. "No, the problem is that oneperson haspolo polo ralph lauren uk shirtswin through all five halls alone. Ifanyone helped him, the monks would comepolo shirtstheassistance of the guardians of the halls and it wouldturn into a brawl. That wouldn't do at all.""This is an affair involving my family," Chen saidquietly. "Perhaps Buddha will be merciful and let methrough."He took off his long gown, picked up a bag of his'chess piece' projectiles, tucked the ancient daggerinto his belt, and let Zhou lead himpolo shirtsthe firsthall."What is that music outside?" Qian Long asked. "Go andfind out."After a while, He Jia came backpolo shirtsreport: "Your slavemade enquiries and learned that all of the famouscourtesans of Hangzhou will gather on the West Lakethis eveningpolo shirtschoose what they call the 'TopCandidate of the Boudoir', as well as second, thirdand fourth ranking candidates.""How dare they make fun of the Imperial Civil ServiceExaminations in such a way!" Qian Long said, amused.