The February 2013 framework agreement signed by the UN, African organisations andeleven regional countries, as well as the deployment of an intervention brigade, representyet another of many attempts to end the crisis in the Kivus. Conflicts in this region,however, stem mainly from competition between communities for land and economicopportunities and require tailored, grassroots solutions that should go beyond amilitary response and promote local conflict resolution. Those seeking to secure peacein the Kivus should gain sound knowledge of local dynamics and design strategies totackle the root causes of violence and improve relations between communities.The imperative of pursuing local responses to the crisis is illustrated by the longstandingconflict in the Ruzizi plain, located in Uvira territory at the border of SouthKivu and Burundi. In a context of impunity and distrust, the assassination on 25 April2012 of the Ruzizi plain traditional leader, who belongs to the Barundi community,sparked renewed violence between it and a rival community, the Bafuliro. Despiteseveral reconciliation attempts by the central government and the UN StabilisationMission in Congo (MONUSCO), tensions persist in 2013.The Bafuliro and Barundi have fought over land and traditional leadership in theRuzizi plain since colonial times. Tensions remain high because of socio-economicunderdevelopment, the mismanagement of land affairs and poor local governancedue to weaknesses in provincial and central administration. Instead of acting as secondaryfigures, traditional chiefs play a leading role in Congo’s politics and administration.Perceived as influential during elections, they are part of political patronagenetworks and have support in national and provincial institutions.Despite a decade of efforts to rebuild the Congolese state, the government remainsineffective in rural areas, leaving customary chiefs, whose role is recognised by theconstitution but not fully defined, virtually in charge. They use their key position betweenthe state and communities to benefit from any state and international investmentsand to protect their own interests. This fuels conflict, with intercommunal rivalriesplaying out in state institutions and among local and national politicians.In 2012, aware of the hostility between the Bafuliro and Barundi, MONUSCO andlocal, provincial and national authorities attempted to mediate between the two communities.But although the leaders of both signed in September 2012 a code of conduct,fighting resumed shortly afterwards. The natural death of the Bafuliro traditionalchief in December 2012 has led to a lull in violence, but the conflict, although,dormant, could easily flare up again.The failure of mediation shows that local conflicts need local resolution strategies.These include controlling customary powers, setting up impartial and effectiveinstitutions to regulate and administer land, reducing armed violence and initiatingintercommunal dialogue. Some of these measures will, admittedly, be more difficultto implement than others. But without an understanding of local issues, the peaceprocess initiated by the UN, African Union (AU), Southern African DevelopmentCommunity (SADC), International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR)and regional countries risks addressing symptoms rather than causes of conflict inthe Kivus. Stabilisation initiatives in eastern Congo have so far been limited to militaryaction against armed groups and top-down state building.