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T-Mobile's G-Slate Boasts 3D Camera

T-Mobile's upcomingwill have dual cameras to record 3D video, and will be able to play back 3D movies viewed with special glasses, T-Mobile's vice president of broadband and emerging devices Jeremy Korst told"2010 was really the year that Android overtook the smartphone market. 2011 is really shaping up to be the year of 4G and of Android tablets," Korst said.The G-Slate, coming "this spring" for an unspecified "value" price, will be T-Mobile's first tablet based on Google Android 3.0 Honeycomb. The 8.9-inch tablet will have a dual-core Nvidia Tegra 2 processor, with a 5-megapixel camera on the back that can capture either 2D, 1080p HD video, or 3D video at an unspecified lower resolution. There's also a 2-megapixel camera on the front for video chatting.The G-Slate will come with a pair of red-and-blue 3D glasses so you can view the 3D content. If it uses the old-school red and blue system, glasses should be relatively cheap and easy to come by. You'll be able to view 3D recorded video on the slate itself, on PCs, and on 3D-capable TVs via an HDMI output port. With 32GB of memory on board, it'll be able to store plenty of video.Korst didn't give details about any other special software on the G-Slate, but said that T-Mobile plans "to add some future announced applications and services" as well.The G-Slate is T-Mobile's second tablet for the carrier's 4G HSPA+ 21 network, after thewhich went on sale today. While the G-Slate has the same processor as the Streak 7, it has a bigger screen, fresher OS version and is anticipated to cost more.Google is having a Honeycomb event later today where the G-Slate might make an appearance; we're also sure to learn more at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on Feb. 14.For the top stories in tech, follow us on Twitter at .Karotte (11 may 2008) .La Luv .2 Per 1 .As the Rush Comes (Dadxter dub) .Mahogani Mlusic