Il bianco e il nero

Paese che vai: rabu hoteru

Citiamo quasi integralmente, vista l'attualità del tema. English version takes care of children.
The love hotel is an icon of Japanese culture, the thought of which warms the hearts (and loins), of both Japanese and foreigners alike. The rationale and logic behind the creation of love hotels is simple - Japanese houses have traditionally been very small, with thin walls, and, even still in some cases today, all members of the family sleep in the same room lined up in futons along the floor. Often, the grandparents will also live in the same house. Thus, there is no place for husband and wife to go, making a love hotel an attractive place, but also to get some time away from the family for a couple of quiet hours!In the lobby, you won't see any people. Only a large room menu on the wall. If a photo of a room is lit up, the room is available. You like that room, press a button next to the photo. A faceless person behind dark glass hands you a key after you hand them your cash.Alcuni catastrofisti insistono sulla mancanza d'amore nella nostra società. Dato che l'amore è un fenomeno complesso denso e multidimensionale, e in considerazione dei noti temi sulla sicurezza, ci chiediamo se debba ritenersi eversivo esaminare gli stili di vita altrui prima che le forze dell'antropologia umana espongano i più vulnerabili a nuovi e più seri pericoli.