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Keith Olbermann Breaks Silence on Twitter

KeithOlbermann, formerly of MSNBC, kept silent on his future plans for allof four days.On hisJan. 25, Olbermann claimed he wasstarting a new online presence.The left-leaning liberal commentator isapparently ready to make a run at Fox News Channel -- the name of his newTwitter feed is FOKNewsChannel."FOK" stands for "Friends of Keith."It also looks suspiciously like FOX. he was "on the air.Well, on Twitter.Well it'll be on as soon as we pay the electric bill."The reports Olbermann's severance package included a $7million payout and a stipulation he not be on television for monthsafter his departure.It was similar to Conan O'Brien, who showed up onTBS nine months after leaving NBC.Olbermann cannot comment on hisseverance package but that doesn't stop him from going to alternatemedia.Severalcritics of MSNBC's decision lists the recent takeover of NBC by Comcastas the reason for his departure.Although the purchase had been in theworks for months, it wasn't until the week of Olbermann's leaving thatthe Comcast deal was finalized.Olbermanngrew asince he began hosting his show in 2003. Although still not better than Fox's ratings, his 1 million viewersper night were better than CNN.Despite his segment being canceled, after Olbermann's exit.Manyof his critics, including Fox News, said he was too liberal.Yet spoke on Jan. 24 of how without Olbermann, those of us"liberal commentators" would not have found a home on MSNBC.Eventhough he was the leftist of the left, MSNBC's tone will still be theopposite of Fox unless they fire their entire prime time staff.Ifhis bio on the FOK News Channel is any indication, Olbermann is notgoing to slow down or back down in the least bit."Smokestacks belchingnews on Twitter since January 2011" is his slogan. Nothingwill be sacred.Bill O'Reilly, after calling him "a hateful man" onMonday night, had better watch out.Twitter isn't going to fire someonewith over 200,000 fans and followers.IfGlenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh or Rosie O'Donnell are any indicationOlbermann can be on the Internet and radio in the span it takes for hisnine months to elapse.He's in New York City, the king of radiobroadcast cities.He could even just have regular podcasts too sincethey are slowly replacing radio as the voice of the people.IfOlbermann's rants are to be believed, FOK sounds like a naughty wordyou're not supposed to say on the air.His humor is still intact andhopefully his penchant for not playing nice with Fox News will alsoshine through his Twitter feed.On Twitter, Olbermann won't have any studio executives breathing down his neck.Instead of filing for free agency, Olbermann just went out and created his own league in which to play.Before him is an entire stadium of screaming fans to play to each and every day without any owners telling him how to play, where his pitch needs to be located or how to hit his corners.Olbermann just became owner, general manager, star pitcher and superstar slugger of his own major league. He even owns the umpires and the concession stands where he can charge a dime for beer and peanuts.In a way, the Internet is a better field of dreams for Olbermann than the antiquated medium of television.When you come to FOK News Park in Twitter City you will be treated to the real Keith Olbermann, nothing less.Welcome back, Mr. Olbermann.Time to throw out the first pitch and get this season started.WilliamBrowning is a research librarian specializing in U.S. politics. Born inSt. Louis, Browning is active in local politics and served as acampaign volunteer for President Barack Obama and Missouri Sen. ClaireMcCaskill.Club FG (17 august 2007).2d2d .All I Have is this Feeling.Jake the Rippah .Badhatu