N. Korea Reports - N. Korea Reports Advances in Enriching Uranium
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Opposition Party Sweeps Japan Elections

Japan's voters cast out the Liberal Democratic Party, handing a landslide victory to the opposition Democrats in hard-fought elections on Sunday.

A Contested Frontier in the Clouds

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Japan’s New First Lady and the Trip to Venus

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Is It Time to Negotiate With the Taliban?

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Uprooted for Decades, Iraqi Kurds Long for Home

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China Fails to Prevent Myanmar’s Ethnic Clashes

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Son of Late Gabon Leader Declared Winner in Vote

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17 Killed in Mexican Rehab Center

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Korea Investigates Atrocities in Race Against Time

South Korean investigators are tapping into the memories of a dwindling number of survivors of a massacre by government forces in 1951.

New Protests Reported in Restive Chinese Region

Thousands of Han Chinese converged for a protest in Urumqi, the ethnically fractious city in western China that was wracked by deadly riots in July.

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