
ESA's motion, "California persisted in defending

 The ESA's move follows the landmark gambling precedent of Winner Stays v. Loser Pays.According to the ESA's motion, "California persisted in defending a law that plaintiffs warned the legislature was unconstitutional before it was passed; that was historicallyin the past found to be unconstitutional by the district court and a unanimous panel of the Ninth Circuit; and that is similar to Rift Gamecard at least eight other laws invalidated as unconstitutionalâ"As if it weren't embarrassing for Los angeles to lose its Supreme Court case against a consortium of gambling industry trade groups, now the state might must pay for the legal team that successfully argued the industry's case. The Entertainment Program Association today announced the filing Diablo 3 beta key of a reimbursement motion for $1.1 million legal fees it hopes to claim from Los angeles.Drafted by state senator Leland Yee and signed by then-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2005, the law would have criminalized the sale of violent games to minors. It also would have necessary a two-inch-by-two-inch sticker with a solid white "18" outlined in black to appear on the front cover of such games.This is nothing new for the ESA, which has historicallyin the past cheap Rift Gamecard seen its legal fees recouped after similar laws were overturned in Los angeles, Illinois, and Minnesota. This would not even be the first time Los angeles has lined the trade group's pockets over this particular law, as it was ordered to pay $280,000 to the ESA in 2008 after the same measure was ruled unconstitutional by a lower court.from: