
Bibliografie di Centrali Nucleari e Salute

Bibliografia  1), 4), 6),          7) 9) Cancer and Environment. NIH Publication n.03-2039 – Aug.2003 – pag 1014) Cardis E, et al. The 15-country collaborative study of cancer risk among radiation workers in the nuclear industry: estimates of radiation-related cancer risks. Radiat Res 2007;167:396-41615) Harrison-Pricipi di Medicina Interna, cap 394 – ed Mc.Graw Hill 2002 16) Heasman MA et al. Childhood leukaemia in Northern Scotland. Lancet 1986;i:266 and 35517) Forman D, Cook-Mozaffari P, Darby S, Davey G, Stratton I, Doll R,Pike M. Cancer near nuclear installations. Nature 1987;329:499–505.     18) Cook-Mozaffari PJ, Darby SC, Doll R, Forman D, Hermon C, PikeMC, Vincent T. Geographical variation in mortality from leukaemia and other cancers in England and Wales in relation to proximity to nuclear installation, 1969–78. Br J Cancer 1989;59:476–85.19) Michaelis J, Keller B, Haaf G, Kaatsch P. Incidence of childhood malignancies in the vicinity of west German nuclear power plants . Cancer Causes Control 1992;3:255–63.16. 20) Leukemia in the Proximity of a German Boiling-water Nuclear Reactor: Evidence of Population Exposure by Chromosome Studies and Environmental Radioactivity, Inge Schmitz-Feuerhake et al:  Environ Health Perspect 105(Suppl 6):1499-1 504 (1997)21) Carre A. Incidence of leukaemia in young people around the La Hague nuclear waste reprocessing plant: a sensitivity analysis. Stat Med 1995; 14:2459–7222) Viel JF, Pobel D . Case-control study of leukaemia among young people near La Hague nuclear reprocessing plant: the environmental hypothesis revisited. BMJ 314 : 101 January 199723) Kaatsch P, Spix C, Schulze-Rath R, Schmiedel S, Blettner M: Leukemias in young children living in the vicinity of German nuclear power plants. Int J Cancer 2008, 122:721-726.)24) Spix C, Schmiedel S, Kaatsch P, Schulze-Rath R, Blettner M. Casecontrolstudy on childhood cancer in the vicinity of nuclear powerplants in Germany 1980–2003. Eur J Cancer, 44 (2008) 275 –28425) Baker PJ, Hoel D: Meta-analysis of standardized incidence and mortality rates of childhood leukemias in proximity to nuclear facilities. Eur J Cancer Care 2007, 16:355-363)26) Hofmann W, Terschueren C, Richardson DB. Childhood leukemia in the vicinity of the Geesthacht nuclear establishments near Hamburg, Germany. Environ Health Perspect 2007,115:947–5227) Ian Fairlie. Commentary: childhood cancer near nuclear power stations, Environmental Health 2009, 8:43)28) IRC Recomendation 2007, versione italiana