Laura Picchi

Alex Jones articoli su guerra in Libia, omicidio Bin Laden, Fukushima e varie

Deadly Silence on FukushimaVivian Norris | Japan government continues to prevent freelance journalists and overseas media from gaining access to official press conferences. War on Terror is a Reichstag Fire False Flag OperationSartre | If you really want justice for the 911 murders, you must face reality and look within your own government for the true terrorists.Media Ignores Fukushima FireKurt Nimmo | The situation at Fukushima is not newsworthy for the corporate media.Pieczenik: The Psychological Resurrection of Osama Bin | Critically acclaimed author of psycho-political thrillers, Steve Pieczenik continues his analysis of the so-called death of Osama bin Laden.Top Government Insider: Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False FlagPaul Joseph Watson | Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Steve R. Pieczenik prepared to tell grand jury name of general who told him 9/11 was false flag attack.Libya: It’s Not About Oil, It’s About Currency and LoansJohn Perkins | According to the IMF, Libya’s Central Bank is 100% state owned.Busby: Fukushima Explosion Was NuclearKurt Nimmo | Scientist says situation at Fukushima far worse than Chernobyl.Kissinger Calls For US Ground Invasion Of LibyaPaul Joseph Watson | Globalists want protracted war to last through 2012.Nuclear weather worsensMark Sircus | Don’t be totally surprised if they announce that radioactive iodine fromthe out-of-control nuclear plant is good for the public.Pretext For War On Libya Proven Fraudulent By Casualty FiguresPaul Joseph Watson | Data clearly shows Gaddafi has not deliberately targeted innocentcivilians.Fukushima Radiation Nightmare May Last IndefinitelyKurt Nimmo | TEPCO says the Fukushima facility should be in “cold shutdown”within nine months, a claim even the corporate media finds dubious.Breaking: EU Preparing to Launch Ground Invasion in LibyaPaul Joseph Watson | UN to rubber stamp occupying force in bid to goad Gaddafiinto attacking western troops.Fukushima Exposure Levels Going Up EverywhereMark Sircus | “Radiation is continuing to leak out of the reactors,the situation is not stable at all, radiation continues to leak,” says Dr. Michio Kaku.Scientists warn future drugs will be designed to control human mindEthan A. Huff | Drugs that change the way a person thinks about situationsfrom a moral perspective.Top Scientist: Fukushima Meltdown Could Trigger Atomic ExplosionKurt Nimmo | Missing isotope readings will reveal if explosions werehydrogen or nuclear.