

The BBC's Africa correspondent Andrew Harding says the emotive word "famine" is used rarely and carefully by humanitarian organisations, and it is the first time since 1992 that the word has been applied to a situation in Somalia. Nearly half the Somali population - 3.7 million people - were in crisis, he said, with most of them in the south. Drought, conflict and poverty have now combined to produce the necessary conditions for famine. News International's parent company News Corporation has also confirmed it has stopped paying the legal fees of former private detective Glenn Mulcaire, who was convicted of phone hacking on behalf of the News of the World in 2007. Al-Shabab, an al-Qaeda-affiliated group which controls large swathes of south and central Somalia, had imposed a ban on foreign aid agencies in its territories in 2009, but has recently allowed limited access. Mr Cameron said the public inquiry would be widened to examine broadcasters and social media and named the panel Downing Street and Buckingham Palace denied claims by Labour MP Chris Bryant that royal officials raised concerns about Mr Coulson's appointment24158 39271 12219 35513 26295 15349 40792 29223 14345 43065 32636 26863 6357 3039 34765 3681 31623 43330 29785 15119 8910 23103 7666 16245 190 42417 17957 25173 38575 39198 8304 31790 36934 23758 2162 6253 43827 49834 27177 47159 27175 19169 1857 38870 41862 1507 23024 15829 7429 14473 41351 6411 24435 32234 39014 1037 31641 45985 35317 33900 47403 15632 40656 25191 34809 844 39947 32630 856 28549 9879 31782 16209 32613 38008 39764 21214 18818 24395 48683 19428 2106 17760 24105 47826 1886 7381 4729 34780 1124 24649 47823 14559 43287 49749 11517 28566 26742 4084 41020 11604 40438 14968 28936 4631 9613 40222 41841 44230 49250 29869 12821 21616 36635 14450 45299 47864 16576 27374 32916 43509 35243 47839 49721 3901 12034 17217 22930 32853 26505 11219 44524 14739 33396 37105 29044 37183 38879 19489 38273 11706 15524 10504 35527 21300 11821 26245 27983 28876 4473 13644 11979 49367 21178 47491 26413 42560 15234 25021 42594 42394 17298 9027 17757 38063 35348 48068 38269 49530 35473 8164 9040 47073 39104 21179 28024 24738 12367 28467 42079 35824 39283 44095 28401 12850 49238 45144 43562 35884 10701 36467 21932 13852 26912 45856 44435 6532 42748 47437 36000 13742 37994 28440 43390 46315 4627 14889 10297 49997 19537 1653 30227 36819 32950 6799 3127 23205 30665 4923 38814 40202 4534 2372 38856 48996 36226 45166 20204 43223 26785 21458 31988 14907 42449 28362 47801 10858 686 32059 8247 34381 34866 43564 16358 9048 6270 35145 30941 20084 42730