Sdoppiamo Cupido


Sento in questi giorni parlare della tensione alle frontiere fra Iraq e Turchia, ma sui Curdi come popolo, nessuna parola! ... se non terroristi.
Eppure i Curdi occupano da secoli quelle terre e avrebbero avuto ben più diritto degli Israeliani ad una patria! Ma la Turchia è un paese "alleato"! Tanto tempo fa si è persa l'occasione, dopo la prima guerra mondiale di rendere giustizia a questo popolo, ma ... ormai sono solo terroristi!
The Peace Treaty of Sèvres 10 August, 1920(never adopted, superseded by the Treaty of Lausanne).SECTION III.KURDISTAN.ARTICLE 62.A Commission sitting at Constantinople and composed of three members appointed by the British, French and Italian Governments respectively shall draft within six months from the coming into force of the present Treaty a scheme of local autonomy for the predominantly Kurdish areas lying east of the Euphrates, south of the southern boundary of Armenia as it may be hereafter determined, and north of the frontier of Turkey with Syria and Mesopotamia, as defined in Article 27, II (2) and (3). If unanimity cannot be secured on any question, it will be referred by the members of the Commission to their respective Governments. The scheme shall contain full safeguards for the protection of the Assyro-Chaldeans and other racial or religious minorities within these areas, and with this object a Commission composed of British, French, Italian, Persian and Kurdish representatives shall visit the spot to examine and decide what rectifications, if any, should be made in the Turkish frontier where, under the provisions of the present Treaty, that frontier coincides with that of Persia.