
Seaside location wedding photography wedding photos

seaside location wedding photography is emerging in recent years, up to the beach environment as a wedding photography shoot on location .Go to the beach to shoot wedding photography has been a dream of many young people in mind , it took a lifetime wedding , so we naturally are on the beach wedding location full of expectations.go to the beach wedding photography , wedding photos the day before the mood to relax, rest assure the best early enough sleep , do not drink too much water before going to bed to prevent puffy eyes the next day .And should wear a half- mask bra or silicone bra , shave armpits . The groom is best to wear light-colored underwear, avoid wearing revealing white dress color , shave beards. New people do not eat seafood , preventing allergic to seafood .wedding in Seaview evening cocktail dress, the main there are four basic colors : blue, yellow , white and color figures . Clothing styles should seek simple , lightweight, smooth and elegant design , as well as on the basis of the wedding can take some characteristics with tropical exotic costume . Find the best has not been stamped footprints on the beach shoot. If the people on the beach is really more , you can choose from some of the outlying beach sea seats to take the low shot .Whenseaside location wedding photography shot the day 's best time is sunrise to eight or nine o'clock in the morning , mid-afternoon when the sun then . Because this time can be used along light shooting , but also to reduce the use of reflective light ratio . Allow more natural light , more gentle .