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Families have built their own homes at the camp with tree branches, wood and plastic sheets, he says. Prime Minister David Cameron told MPs that "with hindsight" he would not have hired ex-News of the World editor Andy Coulson as his communications chief, in the closest he has come to an apology. The protester accused…


An estimated 10 million people have been affected in East Africa by the worst drought in more than half a century. More than 166,000 desperate Somalis are estimated to have fled their country to neighbouring Kenya or Ethiopia. News International's parent company News Corporation has also confirmed it has stopped paying the legal fees of…


Metropolitan Police Deputy Assistant Commissioner Sue Akers said the move came after a "significant increase in the workload" over the past fortnight. An estimated 10 million people have been affected in East Africa by the worst drought in more than half a century. More than 166,000 desperate Somalis are estimated to have fled their country…


Metropolitan Police Deputy Assistant Commissioner Sue Akers said the move came after a "significant increase in the workload" over the past fortnight. One woman he met arrived after a long trip, much of it on foot, carrying her one-and-a-half-year-old son on her back - only to realise, when she arrived, that he was dead. But…


Downing Street and Buckingham Palace denied claims by Labour MP Chris Bryant that royal officials raised concerns about Mr Coulson's appointment "If we don't act now, famine will spread to all eight regions of southern Somalia within two months, due to poor harvests and infectious disease outbreaks," said the UN humanitarian co-ordinator for Somalia, Mark…


'Dangerously inadequate' The UK Secretary of State for International Development, Andrew Mitchell, said the response by many European and developed countries to the crisis in the Horn of Africa had been "derisory and dangerously inadequate". The law firm had said it was being prevented from responding to "inaccurate" comments made by News International chairman James…


Downing Street confirms that the prime minister received and responded to a letter from Labour MP Tom Watson last October, in which he had raised concerns about Mr Coulson Some children look like skeletons while others have swollen legs and hands, he adds. The protester accused of throwing shaving foam at Rupert Murdoch is charged…


The BBC's Africa correspondent Andrew Harding says the emotive word "famine" is used rarely and carefully by humanitarian organisations, and it is the first time since 1992 that the word has been applied to a situation in Somalia. News International has said a May 2007 letter from the firm had made it believe that hacking…


that they can operate unfettered," Mr Steinberg told the BBC. In April 2010 US President Barack Obama issued an executive order naming al-Shabab a terrorist organisation, meaning no US aid could go to areas under its control, our analyst adds. The UN has declared a famine in two areas of southern Somalia as the region…


Save the Children's Sonia Zambakides told the BBC the situation in Somalia was shocking. She said there had been a "surge of inquiries and requests for assistance from the public and solicitors". The law firm had said it was being prevented from responding to "inaccurate" comments made by News International chairman James Murdoch because the…

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