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B.C. woman stranded in Nevada returns home after U.S. hospital stay

Post n°73 pubblicato il 11 Maggio 2011 da shuaguo22

The British Columbia woman who survived for seven weeks stranded on a Nevada mountain road has arrived back home. Doctors at an Idaho hospital upgraded Rita Chretien's condition Tuesday, 传奇私服 before discharging her. But hope of finding her still-missing husband is fading as the search was suspended because of rain, low clouds and flood warnings in the area where Albert Chretien set off to look for help. "Her spirits are high," said Ken Dey, a spokesman for St. Luke's Magic Valley hospital in Idaho. Later in the day, RCMP issued a news release saying Rita Chretien and her family members had returned home to British Columbia. "Rita remains in care at a British Columbia medical facility and continues to progress physically and emotionally well with her recovery," Cpl. Dan Moskaluk said in the news release. "As Rita Chretien and her family continues to deal with this terrible ordeal and the ongoing search for her husband Albert Chretien, 传世私服 传奇世界私服 Mrs. Chretien has asked that the media and public respect her personal request for privacy at this time." There have been few clues about what may have happened to Albert, 59, whose wife Rita was rescued last week after waiting 49 days inside the couple's van that was stuck off a muddy mountain road on the Nevada, Idaho border. She survived over the weeks by rationing trail mix, fish oil pills and drinking melted snow. The couple were heading to Las Vegas on a business trip when they made several wrong turns and got stranded in mid-March. Albert Chretien owns an excavating business. Snow, gusty winds and rain on Tuesday prevented searchers from continuing to comb the serpentine terrain for the man. 传奇私服 A team of about 30 people using horses and all-terrain vehicles had been scouring the rugged backwoods of Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest. "It's very rugged," said Lesli Ellis, a Bureau of Land Management spokeswoman. "We're hoping for the best. There are areas of shelter up there." A note written by Rita Chretien suggests her husband was aiming for Mountain City, 26 kilometres from the Idaho border. After days had passed without help arriving, she indicated in the note left in the van that he might have died along the way. "I'm a bit too realistic, 魔域私服 a lot of people are saying maybe it's another miracle but I know a shell of a vehicle is an amazing thing to protect you compared to being out without it," said Penticton resident Tony Friesen, who's known Albert Chretien since they built a Christian school together as volunteers four years ago. Friesen said his friend is a father of three and grandfather of at least five youngsters, and that the man is devoted to his family. When the couple first vanished, Friesen jumped on his motorbike and spent a week searching the area around Baker City, Ore. where the Chretiens were last spotted buying snacks at a gas station. He came home disappointed and with more questions than answers, certain he'd turned over every leaf.传奇私服 传奇私服发布网 He described the area where the van was found as in between grasslands and a mesh of ravines and valleys that gets snow showers because of its high altitude. From his own experience as an adventurer-motorbiker, he noted roads sometimes look more substantial on GPS than they really are. The Chretiens had only recently purchased the device they were using on the trip, he said. Despite the grim possibilities, Friesen said he wasn't surprised Albert Chretien tried to get them out of their fix. "He's a small guy, but he's got a good strong fibre in him," he said. 传奇世界私服 "You don't commit yourself to walking if you haven't tried everything else." RCMP and American authorities conducted a search, including setting up a telephone tip line, after the couple was first reported missing. Much of that search focused on the area around where they were last seen, hundreds of kilometres north of where the van was located.


Causes and Risks factors of Kidney Cancer

Post n°72 pubblicato il 09 Maggio 2011 da shuaguo22

• Obesity: The extra food consumption in a form of excessive eating everyday helps produce obesity or belly enlargement. Thanks to inappropriate eating habits that bring upon extra fatty acids and deposits over the delicate tissues of kidney and abdominal regions thus cause increased risk of cancerous cell divisions over the surface of kidney. • Cigarette (smoking): 传世私服 Cigarette consumption in excessive amount is a profound risk of developing cancerous cells over the surface of the kidney as when chain smokers take a puff in every two seconds or more the smoke emitted out of the cigarette in a form of tobacco directly reaches the lungs and the kidney regions and get deposited which overtime doesn’t dissolve easily by either of the means such as: Liquid intake; etc. therefore smoking becomes the ultimate cause to form the kidney cancer and tumor. Usually, Cigars creates catastrophic results. • Dialysis for substantially longer-period: 传世私服 传奇世界私服 Patients on dialysis are treated in the hospital which are the exigency cases of kidney failure or cancerous or tumors cells disease formations of the kidney. This technology helps protect the million dollar lives of the patients suffering from such number of kidney diseases but if patient is exposed for longer span of life to remove more waste materials from the blood then after a certain stage the treatment becomes unacceptable prevention of the kidney disease in a form of cancer. • High-blood pressure: As kidney is known upon to pure the impurities of the blood and is responsible to control the pressure of the blood in excess if due to sudden kidney failure from various causes, the kidney becomes vulnerable to control the excessive pressure and therefore due to reverse order of the pressure the additional formation of the cells into the bloodstream starts reacting with hormones in inappropriate ways and thus creates cancerous cells for kidney deposits. • Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) syndrome: 新开传奇私服 仿盛大传奇私服 It’s a congenital disease syndrome that is rare in nature and runs in a family history for longer and longer period. An abnormal VHL gene change increases the risk of contracting kidney cancerous cells. A cyst is caused thereupon over the eyes; internal brain functions and other sophisticated organs of the body. • Occupational cancer contraction: The workers; Laymen; Labors, etc. working in factories, mills, mines, oil rigs, are the easy prey of certain Bio-chemicals or other toxic substances at the workplace who come in contact with the toxicities each day and therefore, when they work under harsh conditions the deposits of chemicals are inhaled upon through respiratory system of the human and thus those chemicals enters through breathing tube and enters to reach the lung and kidney sections where after couple of months time the worker starts showing the risks involved in treating the kidney cancer or tumors. Especially, the Coke Oven workers are at increased risk of contracting cancer in iron and steel industries. The names of the chemicals are: Asbestos and Cadmium. • Medication: A non-prescription over-the-counter pain reliever drug got introduced to relieve the patient from risk factors involved in treating the cancerous cells of the blood that are found in the kidney. MLB Jerseys NFL Jerseys This medicine previously didn’t get famous or even introduced in many parts of the world. The same sort of another drug got introduced the name suggested by doctors as Diuretics it could help the patient from high blood pressure caused by kidneys to extract unnecessary iodine and fluid formation from the body because it made a link to renal carcinoma cell deposits. 诛仙私服 Doctors might wholeheartedly recommend patients to continue with the drug intake if the patient is suffering from a prolong period or has contracted it lately.


Understanding Infectious Diseases

Post n°71 pubblicato il 05 Maggio 2011 da shuaguo22

Virtually almost any place on the face of the planet is thriving with various microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, protozoa, parasites, and fungal spores that can be transmitted to humans and cause a wide array of diseases. Even inside our very own bodies;传奇世界私服 our intestines also contain billions of “helpful” bacteria that aids in the digestive processes. However, despite their usefulness, they may also be capable of doing otherwise--when the balance between these microbes and our bodies is disturbed. Human illnesses can be caused by various microorganisms and their by-products. And because they are found everywhere, it is not impossible that we may harbor them at any point in our lifetime and result into minor nuisances like common cold to fatal diseases like malaria, tuberculosis, and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Disease Transmission Microbes can be transmitted through many ways. In between humans, they can be passed on directly by skin contact, sneezing, coughing, blood to blood transmission, or sexual activity. In some diseases, 魔域私服 an infected pregnant woman can also pass the microbes to the fetus in her womb. They can also be transmitted indirectly when an infected person comes in contact with an environmental surface and contaminating them, and then others may acquire the microbes by touching the surface or ingest a contaminated substance. Some microbes can be spread into the body through a vector or carrier, usually an insect, or an infected animal. Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases From time to time, new infectious diseases turn up and raise public concern. Some of these include HIV infection, Legionnaire’s disease, Anthrax, Severe Acquired Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Ebola virus, and Lyme disease have even provided real-life scares. Emerging diseases arise from genetic changes or evolution of an existing organism creating a new strain that spreads suddenly in new geographic areas or populations. At least 30 new strains have been identified over the past two decades and threaten to increase in the future.传世私服 Similarly, re-emerging infectious diseases are illnesses brought about by microorganisms that have been previously identified and controlled but are now resistant to common antimicrobial drugs such as in the case of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis. For this reason, there is a large possibility that in the future, such infectious diseases may pose greater problems. Firstly, because of the simple genetic makeup, microbes can mutate easily into deadly resistant strains. To add to that, large numbers of the world population are misusing and self-medicating with antibiotics to treat infections which causes them to lose their ability to combat common infections. A good example for this is the bacteria methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) which is found to have developed resistance to antibiotics like penicillins and cephalosporins. Poverty, 诛仙私服 overpopulation, overcrowding, population shifts, and improper sanitation among certain areas have also largely contributed to the rapidly propagate. The globalization of world commerce may also mean that contaminated foods, plants, and other products cross various international borders daily. Changes in human habits too, have expedited the spread of infectious agents, particularly in terms of eating habits, lifestyle, sexual activity, and increased substance abuse. What You Can Do Simple principles of food and water sanitation, safe sex, hygiene, appropriate use of antibiotics, immunization, and regular visits to the physician could help prevent millions of deaths from ailments caused by infectious diseases every year. Here are a few, simple, common sense practices that can help: 1.As much as possible avoid self-medicating with antibiotics. Overuse or improper use of antibacterial agents will only increase bacterial resistance to the drug, so that the next time you will encounter the same microorganism, 传奇sf 新开传奇私服 it will be more resistant to that drug. This means that the drug has little or no effect on the microbes, and there will be a need to use a higher and stronger dose of medication. Drug-resistant strains can be easily transmitted to susceptible persons and treatment can be very complicated. Hence, to prevent such, use antibiotics exactly as prescribed by your physician, and make sure to finish the entire prescription. 2.Avoid unsafe and unprotected sex, and refrain from intravenous drug use. 3.Observe cleanliness in handling, storage, and cooking food products to guard against food-borne illnesses. Wash hands often with warm water and soap. And ensure cleanliness around the area where you prepare food. 4.When travelling, learn about disease threats around the area you are visiting. Wholesale nfl Jerseys Jerseys Cheap Wholesale NFL NHL Jerseys NBA Jerseys Consult your physician for prophylactic medication or immunization. 5.Children must be immunized against a particular disease. 6.Be cautious with unfamiliar and wild animals. 7.When sick, give yourself some time to recover. Avoid coughing or sneezing on others.


Bloomberg’s Big Push for an Applied Sciences School

Post n°70 pubblicato il 28 Aprile 2011 da shuaguo22

The mayor of New York does not usually take time from his schedule to mingle with academic deans from Finland. But there was Michael R. Bloomberg at the Metropolitan Museum of Art recently, trying to sell the foreign visitors on his next big idea: a top-flight applied sciences school for the city. As he seeks to revive his flagging third term, 魔域私服 Mr. Bloomberg has taken a strong personal interest in the project, embarking on a campaign-style effort to lobby university leaders and business executives. Such a school, envisioned as one of the largest development projects in the city’s history, could transform the local economy and help burnish his image as a financial steward. The idea is one of the more imaginative proposals to come out of Mr. Bloomberg’s City Hall, but it may also be among the riskiest. The city has pledged to offer capital and public land to the university that crafts a winning proposal; 27 institutions — including Columbia, Stanford and the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology — have signaled their interest. Critics have deplored the city’s willingness to offer incentives at a time of economic distress. 传奇私服 And the mayor has angered local university leaders with his suggestion that New York lacked a top-tier engineering school. They argue that the city should instead use its resources to help expand existing programs. “In a period of economic crisis, when we are so tight with our budget, we should not be giving incentives to private institutions,” City Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez of Manhattan said. “We have great programs here.” Still, the idea has piqued the attention of the academic world, which has rarely seen a city so eager to recruit an institution of higher education. And the mayor’s personal involvement appears to be a significant factor. Kathryn S. Wylde, president of the Partnership for New York City, a group of business leaders that has supported the effort, 诛仙私服 said university leaders were keenly aware of the mayor’s clout as a philanthropist and his record as an entrepreneur. “He’s not your average hometown mayor,” Ms. Wylde said. “His personal credibility in all sectors relevant to higher education is a huge attraction for the academic world.” George Campbell Jr., president of the Cooper Union, which was one of the institutions that submitted a proposal, said: “There’s no question that he’s a big factor. He clearly understands the importance of this area.” Stanford officials have embarked on one of the more aggressive efforts to woo the city. They propose building a campus costing more than $1 billion that would be home to 2,200 graduate students and 100 professors. “When the mayor made the announcement, there was some real enthusiasm,”传世私服 传奇世界私服 said John L. Hennessy, Stanford’s president. The city, in return, has said it may be able to offer $100 million or more in capital, perhaps through investments in infrastructure or loans, according to a state lawmaker briefed on the matter. The idea for an applied sciences school came in the aftermath of the financial crisis as city officials looked for ways to make the economy less dependent on Wall Street. They saw potential in the applied sciences, which include engineering, physics, computer science, chemistry, mathematics and environmental science. “There are industries that are here that are just not growing as fast as they could be, 仿盛大传奇私服 and there are industries that aren’t here but could be here,” said Seth W. Pinsky, president of the city’s Economic Development Corporation. Compared with Boston, a hub of higher education, New York lags far behind in engineering, with nearly half the number of professors and a small fraction of the research money per faculty member. None of the city’s graduate engineering schools are listed in the top 10 in the popular U.S. News & World Report rankings; the closest is Columbia at No. 16. Each year, a steady tide of engineering graduates flows from New York schools to start-ups in California. But exactly how to invigorate applied sciences in the city has provoked debate even as the idea has won support from politicians and large corporations like Google. The city is already home to several engineering programs, including Columbia’s Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, the Polytechnic Institute of New York University, the Cooper Union and the Grove School of Engineering at the City College of New York. Columbia, joined by the City University of New York, has proposed a 1,200-student, 80-professor institute for communication technologies in West Harlem. N.Y.U., joined by CUNY, Carnegie Mellon, the University of Toronto and I.B.M., 传奇世界私服 has suggested a center for urban science that would be home to 300 students and 100 researchers in Brooklyn or on Roosevelt Island. Some university officials worry that involving a university from outside the city would hamper the efforts of hometown institutions to recruit faculty members. N.Y.U.’s president, John E. Sexton, was so unhappy with the city’s approach that he called city leaders to complain. The university is planning an expansion of its engineering programs in Brooklyn. “A ‘start from the scratch’ approach that parachutes a new player into New York without the requisite ingredients that lead to success has the potential to be a waste of resources,” N.Y.U. officials wrote in their proposal, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times. The reaction was similar at Columbia, which is planning an expansion into Manhattanville. William A. Zajc, chairman of Columbia’s physics department, 传世私服 said the idea for an applied sciences school was a “field of dreams venture.” “We’re being asked to believe you can create a new major research facility out of vacant real estate?” Dr. Zajc said. “Silicon Valley didn’t spring up because Santa Clara or Palo Alto went out and solicited proposals for an engineering center. They relied on existing strength.” Mr. Pinsky said the city would happily partner with New York schools if they suggested ideas that “moved the needle.” Some have faulted the city for not clearly articulating how it might recover some of its investments if the school does not turn out to be the economic engine that the mayor expects. Some academic leaders say the money would be more wisely spent on helping young engineers start businesses after they graduate. Mr. Pinsky said the city would soon formally evaluate the costs and potential benefits of an applied sciences school. 传奇私服 “We’re not entering this assuming failure,” he said. He said investing in infrastructure would help the city recover from the economic downturn. The city is expected to choose a university by the end of the year, and construction could begin soon after. Mr. Bloomberg, who majored in electrical engineering at Johns Hopkins University, will presumably be long retired from public office when the school is completed. That has not stopped speculation that he may one day lend his philanthropic support to the endeavor. “If this were like Saudi Arabia and somebody committed $300 million up front, this could get done much quicker,” Dr. Campbell of Cooper Union said. But for the moment, Mr. Bloomberg seems content to simply offer his political support. During a recent visit to the headquarters of the social media Web site Foursquare, Mr. Bloomberg was back at it, pushing his idea with Dennis Crowley, a founder of the site. “It was very clear that he was very excited,” Mr. Crowley said. “We’re a scrappy start-up — there are maybe 50 people here and not a bunch of desks. It’s not every day we see an entrepreneur like him.”


Thyroid Dysfunction, its Symtoms & Treatment

Post n°69 pubblicato il 22 Aprile 2011 da shuaguo22

Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland situated under the pituitary gland does not produce the required amount of thyroid hormone. This hormone is necessary for proper functioning of the cells of our body and assist in metabolism. 传奇sf Any deficiency in this hormone would result in a host of problems in the human body. There many people around the world with some form of hypothyroidism or thyroid dysfunction without even knowing that they have that disorder.Surgery, medications, iodine deficiency, dysfunction of the pituitary gland, and thyroid gland inflammation are some of the causes of hypothyroidism. The other causes of hypothyroidism could be chronic fatigue and weakness, weight gain or difficulty in losing weight, dry and rough skin, 诛仙私服 诛仙sf 传奇私发服网 and abnormal menstrual cycles. The symptoms of hypothyroidism is often associated with the symptoms of candida over growth and other fungal diseases. Diagnoses are the important one in the treatment of hypothyroidism. Diagnoses are always related with the symptoms of hypothyroidism. Some time symptoms of hypothyroidism are interrupted differently by the patient and by the physician. The other symptoms of hypothyroidism are mild swelling of the feet and legs, 传世私服 heavy lower eyelids, pain in the wrist due to compression of nerves. The symptoms of hypothyroidism can be the list given above and also decreased sex drive, memory loss, depression and irritability, constipation, muscle cramps, hair loss or dry hair, and intolerance to cold. The TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone from the pituitary gland) level and T4 levels in the blood are tested. The T4 level is the main thyroid hormone. 新开传奇私服 The doctor who is checking these levels should be well aware to compare the TSH and T4 levels with the symptoms to identify whether the person is suffering from hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is the over production of the thyroid hormone. Natural remedies for hypothyroidism are effective method. The herbs used in the natural remedies for hypothyroidism help to maintain healthy thyroid functioning. The herbs used in the natural treatment for hypothyroidism are fucus vesiculosis, it is a sea vegetable it contain iodine. Avena sativa is used for nerve disorder it is known as nerve tonic.

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