
Causes and Risk factors of Brain Tumor and Cancer

a) Being Masculine (GENDER): The gender differences among men and women vary from their lifestyle and tastes and therefore the contraction of the malignant disease of Brain cancer is found mainly in men than in women due to the structural skull difference of having more muscles found in the women brain then in men. If a women might suffer from brain tumor than `meningiomas` is the most common disease found in the women. b) Racial Discrimination : 传奇世界私服 White people are at increased level of cancer tumor contraction in comparison to people or cosmopolitan societies of other races or caste because the specific reason for white people suffering from cancers is that predominantly, they all are depended upon `Junk Foods` which are the major cause of inappropriate diet chart plan for many hence the proteins and vitamins received by the body is insufficient then other castes where the 100% diet chart plan is maintained at all time. c) Age Old Syndromes : The age old syndrome is the worst cause of producing cancer or tumor like symptoms in octogenarians and sexagenarians a lot. The cancer cells are produced mainly in the age of 70’s or 80’s but the early age contraction cannot be avoided that may have even started since an individual’s childhood. `Leukemia` is the type of brain disease that occurs as an early sign in 8-years-old (children).传奇私服 Children are unable to read or have appropriate speech intonation (they have trouble pronouncing words and alphabets). In adults, the cause of worrisome disease is to suffer from disastrous disease of the brain called as `Parkinson`. It can be compared wit as same with `Leukemia` of the children. An adult is unable to remember when has she/he has brushed the teeth; eaten food or even the time of having proper sleep with no indication of dark and night. d) Genital Brain cancer disease : ` Family History`: The Genetic brain cancer cell disease can be traced upon since family history and the mutation process of the generation cells of a particular family could last in the genes of coming future generations as well. It is a generation-to-generation process. In general, patients with familial cancer syndromes have multiple tumors that occur when they are young. The specific disorders of the disease are caused by: Neurofibromatosis type 2: It is an inherited condition associated with a failure of acoustic (hearing) nerves and in some patients the failure of multiple complexities of brain and/or spinal cord. 诛仙私服 诛仙sf 传奇私发服网 `Tuberous sclerosis` of a patient have non-filtrating titanic (giant) cell that occurs in the ventricles.` Von Hippel-Lindau disease` is associated with a specific tendency to develop (Blood vessel Tumors) in the bloodstream. e) Radiation exposed Labors : Workers who work in the nuclear industry are at the increased risk of brain cancers. `Formaldehyde` is a type of chemical used by manufacturing and chemical industries. The people who work for longer periods at a stretch without taking precautionary measures in hand inhales the chemical in excess amount and the chemical directly affects the brain’s soft tissue. Pathologists all around the globe are also suffering to same exposure of the chemical found in the research laboratories. `Vinyl Chloride` is yet another chemical compound made up of or released by plastic manufacturing companies, workers working in plastic companies inhales tiny or minutest plastic substances unseen by naked eye and they get deposited in the lungs causing further difficulties to brain in the form of cancerous cells formation. f) Cellular Phone usage :运动鞋批发 耐克运动鞋 高仿运动鞋 The various studies conducted so far to trace the relation of brain cancer or tumor formation inside the brain has been in debate and still scientists are unable to trace the connection between the two but according to census survey done over the mental stability of teenagers it has come into the lime light that one who uses cell phone more than 20 minutes to half and hour is at the increased risk rate of suffering from brain cancer. An older cellular phone i.e. recently been changed to digital phone sends electromagnetic pulse or rays inside the ears and causes hearing disabilities after a stipulated life time of one’s years. g) Environmental brain cancer factors : Eventually, there has never been any environmental factor responsible for any brain cancer depositing factor inside the brain nevertheless certain diseases may turn out to be the possible cause of future brain cancer possibilities such as: Children who were diagnosed with `Ringworm` formation at any part of the body may turn to be the brain cancer tissue defect in the later stages. Believe it, it’s true! Today doctors and radiologists strongly recommend no radiation for `Ringworm` disease. 传奇世界私服 传奇私服发布网 There’s also a possibility of having to experience yet another tumor that means two simultaneous cancer building cells or tumors of the brain. Exposure to aspartame (Sugary substitute) for longer periods and brain tumor caused by `High-Tension Wires` as the electric shock felt thereupon damages the delicate muscles and brain veins and due to internal brain bleeding there forms a blood clot which over time takes the shape of brain cancer or tumor. h) Disorders of Immune System of the body : A person with an impaired immune system has a risk of producing lymphomas of the brain or Spinal cord cancer formation. `Lymphocytes` are the types of cells those who belong to body immune system. Primary lymphoma of the central nervous system is the commonest of all than lymphoma that arises outside the brain tissues. The deficiency of the immune system is a congenital disease of a human-being and consists of various side effects treatment to prevent the rejection of transplanted organs or could be the result of acquired immune-deficiency syndrome such as {AIDS}.