
Tips to Minimize Scarring

Cuts, abrasions, surgical procedures, accidents, and acne--almost any injury to the dermal layer can result to some degree of scarring. Although scars are natural responses of the body to tissue damage, 传奇私服 many of us look at them as a nuisance. Scars end up as “flaws” in the appearance of the person. But whether we like it or not, we will all eventually acquire wounds in our lifetime that could possibly leave scars on our skin. Fortunately, there are many ways to handle wounds and minimize the incidence of scarring. Let us first understand the natural processes involved in scarring. How Scarring Occurs A scar forms as a result from an injury or disease process in any tissue, particularly the skin. Injured tissue will attract specialized cells that produce collagen. The collagen fills and closes the wound gap, now forming a scar tissue.魔域私服 The process of patching may take some time. At early stages, scar tissue will appear red or pinkish for the first few weeks. Eventually, this will lighten up and fade, and hopefully, blends into the normal color of the skin. This may take several months to years. In the meantime, here are the things to handle wounds and help your scar to blend with your skin stone. Clean the wound Should you cut yourself, it is imperative that you cleanse it with soap and water. Debris and bacteria may aggravate the wound by causing infection which could cause a prolonged healing time. Observe whether the wound is continuously bleeding even after applying pressure over the area as gaping or deep wounds may need surgical intervention. Antibiotic ointment may also help especially during the early phase of scar formation. Cover up As the wound begins to heal, as much as possible, 魔域私服 传奇似服发布网 keep it out from the sun. This decreases the chance of developing a darker-than-normal scar tissue. We strongly suggest you watch out for the sun’s rays and cover up the scar with sunscreen. If the scar is very visible or inappropriately red, try putting on powder or make up to cover it up. Cosmetics and several products are available in the market that can camouflage noticeable scars. Massage the affected area Believe it or not, massaging can also help in softening the scar thus preventing scar tissue build up. Proper nutrition People who do not get enough vitamins A, B12,新开诛仙私服 and C can have an impaired wound healing, along with smokers too. Heavy intake of nicotine from cigarette smoking may shrink the capillaries, reducing blood flow and nourishment to the affected area. Hence, as much as possible, avoid smoking during the healing period.