
What is a Brain Cancer ?

Brain cancer is that malignant disease of the brain where cancer cells multiply in the brain tissues. The tissues that are formed due to cancerous cell division forms a mass index of tumor inside the brain’s soft and spongy material and it interferes with the proper brain tissue functioning to control muscles of the brain; Sensations through sensory nerves and veins; MLB Jerseys NFL Jerseys etc. Tumors that are composed of cancerous cells are called as `Malignant Tumors` whereas non-cancerous cells are known as `Benign tumor cells`. The effect of brain cancers and tumors all around the globe has reached to a toll of 20,000 infected patients worldwide (per year). `Metastasis Brain cancers` are those cancerous cells of the brain that are formed or developed in some other organ of the body for ex: The Lung. The primary cancer tissues of the Lungs travel through a bloodstream and reach up to brain section where they collect in large numbers and starts spreading or multiply in huge numbers as sheltered cancerous cells of the brain. Metastasis tumor of the brain is more common than primary brain tumor cancer cells. As brain is protected by bones of the skull there are three thin membranes called as `meninges`. The cushioning up of the brain is controlled by the watery fluid named as cerebrospinal fluid. 传奇私服 This fluid flows through spaces between the meninges and through spaces within the brain called Brain Ventricles. An electromagnetic resonance pulse or network carries the signals to various sections of the body through electrically charged veins or muscles and it’s the brain itself that controls the voluntary and involuntary movements of the body. As the complex connections of the nerves are connected to eyes; ears; etc. then there is always a 100% certainty that the cancerous cells be transferred to such body organs and affecting them in large numbers. The spinal cord is the major transportation of cancerous cells to send signals to the brain as it is connected to the main functioning process of the brain. The brain is also in charge of our senses (sight, 传世私服 传奇世界私服 hearing, touch, taste, and smell), memory, emotions, and personality, etc. The three major parts of brain works accordingly to match the movements and other sections to have absolute control such as: Cerebrum; Cerebellum and Brain Stem cells. There is a specific adjustment to all the three parts as one may control the Reading; Thinking; Speech; Learning and Emotions, the other is for controlling the activities like: Walking, Hunger(food and thirst), breathing, blood pressure, Bodily temperature and other functions. The tumors that are easily visible to surgeon’s naked eye are such tumors that can be surgically removed with no long term effects but there are certain aloof corners of the brain that are specific and found in a localized area which is surrounded by millions and millions 诛仙私服 诛仙sf of soft-spongy brain tissues they are called upon as `Encapsulated Brain Tumors`. In order to make the Brain surgery simple and to avoid complexities by a neurosurgeon there are certain medical terminologies used to specify different cancer or tumors of the brain according to their acuteness and disastrous capabilities therefore, neurosurgeons have come up with an idea to form a `Grade` system for mentioning every type of contingencies of the brain. The grade is formed in two aspects:传世私服 传奇世界私服 Lower grade (Grade I) and High Grade (Grade IV). The microscopically advanced tumor requires the grades by the neurosurgeon. Cells from high-grade tumors look more abnormal and generally grow faster than cells from low-grade tumors.