
Pallet Trucks and health and safety

A lot of attention is paid to health and safety in our modern age, and understandably so. 传奇私服 There are numerous guidelines for employers and seemingly endless regulations - and updates of these regulations - to protect staff in their working environment. It is also worthwhile to mention that there can also be a negative effect on employers through accidents and near misses in the workplace; when employees accuse the company of negligence and a failure to comply with regulations. With this in mind it is vital that companies choose task appropriate equipment from the outset. Warehouses can be considered one of the more dangerous working environments due to the amount of manual labour, including of course the lifting, transporting and positioning of heavy objects. 魔域私服 This is an area in which pallet trucks prove to be indispensable. With a number of types and styles available, pallet trucks are able to meet various needs for varying businesses. The risk of manual handling in work environments is not to be underestimated. Staff suffering from back and other injuries can experience pain, discomfort and reduced mobility. This can impact on employment status � sometimes resulting in actual job loss or early retirement. Personal lives can also be damaged by an inability to partake of leisure activities that were once enjoyed. This in turn can cause depression. 传世私服 1.76精品传奇 Let�s not forget that these issues can also affect family and friends of sufferers. The number of staff injuries caused by lifting objects incorrectly, or indeed by lifting inappropriately heavy or cumbersome items, can be reduced substantially just by providing an adequate number of pallet trucks. It is stated in the Provision and Use of work equipment regulations 1998 that employers must ensure that equipment provided for staff is constructed or adapted as to be suitable for the purpose for which it is used and provided. Of course pallet trucks meet these criteria for many tasks involving lifting and moving potentially heavy or bulky items. Each needs to be used in accordance with manufacturer�s guidelines on maximum capacities to be moved and safe operation in general. Companies must choose which models are most suited to their individual needs, 诛仙私服 诛仙sf and whether completely manual or motorised trucks are more appropriate. Widely used pieces of equipment, which are necessary all over the globe in a large number of industries, need to be reliable and have a long working life. Regular servicing and maintenance can help to keep machines in working order for longer. This is another way in which compliance with regulations can be achieved � by ensuring that tools remain fit for purpose. This reduces the level of risk to employees and others through malfunction or failure. It goes without saying, however, that all equipment needs replacing when it can no longer be seen as operating in a safe, efficient manner. Another point worth making is that instructing staff � and indeed anyone who will be using a pallet truck � on proper use and maintenance is essential. As well as making sure that employee�s general safety knowledge is up to standard. This will make for a safer working environment, better efficiency and longer lasting pallet trucks. To explore our range of pallet trucks in general, further, please visit our website at