
The Best Way to Get Rid of Athlete’s Foot

Fungi can grow on any damp places. They can even grow on you. The fact that our skin contains around 2.6 million sweat glands that continuously emit perspiration, it is not likely that any one of us can have a fungal infection at some point in our lifetime.魔域私服 One good example is having an athlete’s foot, which is a fungal growth on the feet. The fungus Trichophyton causes athlete’s foot. Also known as “ringworm of the feet”, the infection may spread to other areas of the body such as the groin causing “jock itch”, scalp, and the body. Contrary to its name, athlete’s foot has nothing to do with athletes, nor worms. The fungus can be present anywhere but mostly in showers where the floors are usually soggy. The infection is communicable from one person to another by means of sharing personal articles such as footwear, or by simply waking barefoot. Fortunately, athlete’s foot is very manageable. 传世私服 传奇世界私服 Here are a few tips to help you get rid of athlete’s foot. Get a good hygiene For your information, the feet are parts which are very vulnerable to wounds and infections. Sometimes, we might even neglect its protection by walking barefoot. When you have athlete’s foot, it is probably because you deprive your feet of proper care. Hence, to combat fungal infection, it is essential that keep your fit dry as possible. Start by moving away from moisture and wearing open-toed sandals to improve ventilation while protecting the feet from direct contact with fungi on the ground. Too often, we forget to dry in between toes,传奇私服 which is why fungi love lurking in these areas. Washing is the key to cleanliness Any fungal infection can be prevented by washing frequently, at least twice in a day. The feet should be washed with warm soap and water. Be sure to dry them thoroughly. The right footwear Choose the right footwear that gives proper ventilation to your feet. Wearing slippers would be great for your feet. But of course, you cannot wear them while at work. So, choose shoes that are not watertight such as rubber shoes. Instead, opt for breathable materials such as leather. The same goes for your socks. Cotton socks help absorb moisture thus keeping your feet dry. 传奇世界私服 Remember to dry them under the sunlight every after use or washing. Medication Some severe cases of athlete’s foot may require a doctor’s care. Antifungal preparations will need to be prescribed. They come in sprays, powder, or crams that have antifungal properties and kill active fungi on your skin.