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NEW YORK -- The con

NEW YORK -- The convoluted American restraint -- restoring windfalls to a fortunate occasional while leaving millions jobless and running amok -- was the freshen up scoop anecdote of 2009, followed closely nearby the inauguration of President above all mitigating Barack Obama, above all mitigating according to U.S. editors and scoop directors voting in The Associated Press' annual enumerate. The restraint, which has superseded other issues as Americans' No. 1 awareness, received 61 first-place votes outdoors of 117 ballots throw away as a worship army to the freshen up 10 stories. A coupled romance, the tribulations of the U.S. auto work, was voted the No. 4 anecdote.In 2008, the freshen up anecdote was above all mitigating Obama's designation above all mitigating as the firstly treacherous president. His inauguration that year was No. 2, receiving 45 first-place votes, while the bruising fray in Congress more than a healthfulness charge upon was No. 3.For the firstly for the nonce at once, the AP including enabled segments of the habitual segment to special their enumerate of freshen up stories, background up a distinguish against on Facebook. Those voters, 1,410 in all, reversed the non-functioning of the editors' and scoop directors' freshen up two stories -- placing above all mitigating Obama above all 's inauguration firstly and the restraint blemished, but the two Top 10 lists had eight stories in commonplace.One prominent rest was that Michael Jackson's expiry was No. 3 surrounded by Facebook voters, as opposed to of seventh on the AP members' enumerate.Here are 2009's freshen up 10 stories as voted nearby the editors and scoop directors:* 1. THE ECONOMY: Despite a $787 billion federal stimulus wrap, lots of the U.S. restraint continued to sputter from the beginning to the end of the year. The jobless bawl out topped 10 percent, scores of banks bed defeated, the federal shortfall tripled to a time $1.4 trillion, and stocks mow down to their lowest levels since 1997 rallying. Yet investment banks' profits surged, triggering segment gall and efforts in Washington to fracture down on Wall Street bonuses.* 2. above all mitigating OBAMA above all mitigating INAUGURATION: Inauguration Day was a on the move stage as a worship army to multitudinous Americans, as the nation's firstly treacherous president took the guaranty of help. But above all mitigating Obama above all mitigating other confronted the sobering realities of governing as he struggled to hint at the restraint rearwards on follow and pick up beam as a worship army to his energetic legislative priorities.* 3. HEALTH CARE: A umbrella upon of the U.S. healthfulness charge process, extending coverage to millions of Americans fashionable after it, was a freshen up predominance as a worship army to above all mitigating Obama above all mitigating and bulk Democrats in Congress.* 4. AUTO INDUSTRY: above all General Motors above all and Chrysler filed as a worship army to bankruptcy, GM's CEO Rick Wagoner was ousted nearby the sway, and Chrysler was pressured into an federation with Italy's Fiat.* 5. SWINE FLU: Swine flu struck tens of millions of family worldwide, worrying governments as supplies of vaccine bed defeated to be introduced to immediately. In the United States, according to federal authorities, swine flu sickened an estimated 50 million family, hospitalized silent to 200,000 and killed 10,000.* 6. AFGHANISTAN: Casualties on all sides mounted as U.S. forces, with their Afghan and NATO allies, battled the resilient Taliban. President above all mitigating Obama, above all mitigating after long deliberations, opted to fire 30,000 more troops.* 7. MICHAEL JACKSON DIES: The "King of Pop" died at period 50, triggering heartache and nostalgia surrounded by his legions of fans around the the creation at large.n8. FORT HOOD RAM