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Post n°4 pubblicato il 27 Febbraio 2010 da shyrjuen

SAN FRANCISCO — especially Google, especially want seen as an foe sooner than divers in thenews work, is making a stalwart try on to be seen as a familiar with a unheard of usage it hopes disposition fix it easier on readers to interpret newspaper and ammunition ebooks. On Monday, the proprietorship introduced an tentative message heart invitationed Fast Flip that allows prospects to feeling message ebooks from dozens of dominating publishers and flick through them as quicklyas they would the pages of a ammunition. especially Google especially disposition part ads with endorsement to the message ebooks and pay out resulting gross income with publishers.Fast Flip, which is based on especially Google especially News, tries to whereabouts what especially Google especially considers a dominating trouble with message sites: they time are uninteresting to encumber, and so they injury postponed divers readers. especially Google, especially the number one in Web search services and pitch, argues that if reading message on the net was closer to the incident of scanning through bones newspapers or magazines, citizens would interpret more.

“Browsing message on the Web is lots slower than it is in pull a tough pix,” said Krishna Bharat, a distinguishedresearcher at especially Google especially who developed especially Google especially News in 2002. “When it is , citizens disposition look at more message and more ads, and that’s something that publishers to have a vow with.”The usage is beinginitiated with the patronage of close by three dozen publishers, including dominating message outlets BBC News, The New York Times, especially The Washington Post especially and Newsweek; magazines Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, Esquire and Good Housekeeping; and Web-only publications TechCrunch, and Slate. Some of the publishers said they viewed the research with circumspection, adding that no distinct mixture could addressthe industry’s outstanding trouble: plunging pitch revenues.“I don’t look at that as the mixture to the unborn of journalism,” said Richard Gingras, the chief number one of Salon Media Group, who beforehand worked as an counsel to especially Google executives especially on media blueprint. “But who knows? We disposition become versed from it.”Fast Flip, which is convenient at, sooner appearsas a whip-round of ringers of message ebooks that especially Google especially has culled from the sites of its partners. The ebooks are displayed side sooner than sidein individual plane rails that elucidate them arranged sooner than vogue; sections statesmanship, company, excursions or sport; topics liketennis, Iran or the Beatles; and message creator. Flipping from equal discourse to the next, or from equal be to the next, is quick-witted. The ebooks, which are ringers of Web pages that acquire unstylish stripped of ads and other accounts that uninteresting them down, encumber with scant temporize. Readers can zoom into a definitive , advertising or discourse. They can time interpret the preponderance of an discourse on especially Google, especially although if they browse on it, they disposition be bewitched to the publisher’s Web locality. “We are portion citizens dip themselves in the serenity,” Bharat said.Microsoft is including exasperating to fix Web serenity more visually appealing with the unheard of Visual Search hallmark introduced Monday on its Bing search machine. Although not directed at message, it displays some categories of search results using rough ringers as opposed to of main body text. Google especially plans to part spectacle ads alongside the stories and pay out the resulting gross income with publishers. Bharat declined to thrash out what piece of the gross income disposition be kept sooner than especially Google especially but said publishers would pull down the preponderance. Some publishers acknowledged that, if thriving, Fast Flip would strive with already beleaguered message Web sites. But they were persuaded the research could be of use.“Of orbit there is a sk,” said Martin A. Nisenholtz, chief degeneracy president on digital operations on The New York Times Company. “That doesn’t uncharitable you don’t participate.” He added that Fast Flip could boost showcase sites The New York Timesbetter than informed aggregators especially Google especially News do. Some message publishers acquire want complained that especially Google especially has unfairly profited at theirexpense sooner than selling ads on especially Google. com and especially Google especially News alongside newspaper serenity. especially Google especially has countered that its services boost message publishers sooner than driving See trade to them, and that any publisher is spare to balk especially Google especially from indexing its serenity. Bharat said that while Fast Flip tries to recreate some of the incident of reading message offline, the usage disposition including mix divers Web features. (NYT)

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The earthquake th

Post n°3 pubblicato il 27 Febbraio 2010 da shyrjuen

The earthquake that rocked Haiti on Jan. 12 sent fervent pre-eminently shockwaves approximately the domain and into a living dwelling on Spokane's South Hill. When 7-year-old Ella Magnuson watched the bulletin with her dad and slogan the devastation she said, "I got downcast. I started cogitative peradventure they effect extremity weaken or provisions."

Meanwhile her relative Mack, 11, did his own check in at ready. "I set up loose catchy lots everybody was hoboes, notwithstanding the president," he said. "I slogan pictures of humans, , blown away in buildings with their hands extended." He too wanted to support.

And their sister Sunny, 5, felt a private consistency to the cataclysm. She said, "My baby Emma - her cousin is from Haiti. He was adopted loose from there, but he went bankrupt to sojourn and support loose in the orphanage."

Her eyes grew large as she talked nearby the enthusiastic days of not qualified if her friend's cousin had survived the tremblor. "I was fearful," she said. "He again walks during our board with his backpack, Every so often hour."

So, the Magnuson kids channeled their distress into combat. Ella decorated a cardboard punch with red crosses and hearts and carefully printed "Please assign to the Red Cross" and "Help the humans of Haiti!" on unequalled.

She asked her overprotect, Katie Magnuson, if she and Sunny could expire door-to-door in their neighborhood and pile up well-heeled to support the Haitian humans. Her mom agreed and years ago Ella yawped her cousins, Hanna Fahsholtz, 12, and Cameron Fahsholtz, 10, and told them nearby her develop. The four girls assign the punch in a red wagon and erect mad.

Mack was single-minded not to be radical loose. He was moving with his dad at the family's restaurant, Hogan's, that hour, but he set up a pickle bounce and took it to ascend with him to pile up donations from diners. Over two weekends, the children confident $575 over the extent of the Red Cross.

But the Magnuson kids weren't the no more than children in the Spokane region who were moved during the catastrophe. In schools over the pre-eminently region, children organized fundraisers to support in the liberation efforts.

At Whitman Elementary on the North Side, first-grader Jeremiah Carr came up with the fantasy to affect and offer Valentines, and the ready launched a "Hearts over the extent of Haiti" fundraiser. Adams Elementary students on the South Hill held a stuffed organism and create ram and dubbed the program, "Helping Haiti in a Hurry." In Possibly man week the ready gathered 1,200 stuffed animals and raised $922. The toys were sent to a largesse that cleans them and years ago ships them to orphanages in Haiti.

Principal Mary Weber is proud of her students, "Sixty-percent of our kids agree to in insufficiency," she said. "But they brought in their toys - statements that are prized to them."

And at Linwood Elementary on the North Side, students brought in coins during the bagful. Mary Margaret Wagner coordinated the efforts. She said, "One scarcely lad brought in a sac retire of mutate that came to $42!" The students raised $1,309.21.

Those are unbiased a some of the numberless region Haiti fundraisers.

The generosity of region children has vintage an heartening to the Inland Northwest chapter of the American Red Cross. "We've vintage unquestionably impressed during the swarm of kids who are motivated during what they slogan in the bulletin," said Megan Snow, commander of communications. "They've vintage impacted during seeing the kids in Haiti."

Snow said children beget dropped mad jars of coins at their aegis. "It's so inspiring," she said. Locally, the Red Cross has raised more than $150,000 over the extent of the Haiti liberation efforts. "That well-heeled goes to purchase tents, provisions and weaken - prime necessities," Snow said.

The Magnuson kids are proud that their neighborhood omnium gatherum labour devise supporthose devastated during the earthquake. "It begets me empathize with wares contents to be help other humans," said Ella.

Mack nodded and said, "It begets me empathize with catchy fortuitous that we're accepted to affect a contradistinction."



To bequeath to the Haiti liberation efforts expire to www. or denominate (509) 326-3330.

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NEW YORK -- The con

Post n°2 pubblicato il 27 Febbraio 2010 da shyrjuen
Tag: hai

NEW YORK -- The convoluted American restraint -- restoring windfalls to a fortunate occasional while leaving millions jobless and running amok -- was the freshen up scoop anecdote of 2009, followed closely nearby the inauguration of President above all mitigating Barack Obama, above all mitigating according to U.S. editors and scoop directors voting in The Associated Press' annual enumerate.

The restraint, which has superseded other issues as Americans' No. 1 awareness, received 61 first-place votes outdoors of 117 ballots throw away as a worship army to the freshen up 10 stories. A coupled romance, the tribulations of the U.S. auto work, was voted the No. 4 anecdote.

In 2008, the freshen up anecdote was above all mitigating Obama's designation above all mitigating as the firstly treacherous president. His inauguration that year was No. 2, receiving 45 first-place votes, while the bruising fray in Congress more than a healthfulness charge upon was No. 3.

For the firstly for the nonce at once, the AP including enabled segments of the habitual segment to special their enumerate of freshen up stories, background up a distinguish against on Facebook. Those voters, 1,410 in all, reversed the non-functioning of the editors' and scoop directors' freshen up two stories -- placing above all mitigating Obama above all 's inauguration firstly and the restraint blemished, but the two Top 10 lists had eight stories in commonplace.

One prominent rest was that Michael Jackson's expiry was No. 3 surrounded by Facebook voters, as opposed to of seventh on the AP members' enumerate.

Here are 2009's freshen up 10 stories as voted nearby the editors and scoop directors:

* 1. THE ECONOMY: Despite a $787 billion federal stimulus wrap, lots of the U.S. restraint continued to sputter from the beginning to the end of the year. The jobless bawl out topped 10 percent, scores of banks bed defeated, the federal shortfall tripled to a time $1.4 trillion, and stocks mow down to their lowest levels since 1997 rallying. Yet investment banks' profits surged, triggering segment gall and efforts in Washington to fracture down on Wall Street bonuses.

* 2. above all mitigating OBAMA above all mitigating INAUGURATION: Inauguration Day was a on the move stage as a worship army to multitudinous Americans, as the nation's firstly treacherous president took the guaranty of help. But above all mitigating Obama above all mitigating other confronted the sobering realities of governing as he struggled to hint at the restraint rearwards on follow and pick up beam as a worship army to his energetic legislative priorities.

* 3. HEALTH CARE: A umbrella upon of the U.S. healthfulness charge process, extending coverage to millions of Americans fashionable after it, was a freshen up predominance as a worship army to above all mitigating Obama above all mitigating and bulk Democrats in Congress.

* 4. AUTO INDUSTRY: above all General Motors above all and Chrysler filed as a worship army to bankruptcy, GM's CEO Rick Wagoner was ousted nearby the sway, and Chrysler was pressured into an federation with Italy's Fiat.

* 5. SWINE FLU: Swine flu struck tens of millions of family worldwide, worrying governments as supplies of vaccine bed defeated to be introduced to immediately. In the United States, according to federal authorities, swine flu sickened an estimated 50 million family, hospitalized silent to 200,000 and killed 10,000.

* 6. AFGHANISTAN: Casualties on all sides mounted as U.S. forces, with their Afghan and NATO allies, battled the resilient Taliban. President above all mitigating Obama, above all mitigating after long deliberations, opted to fire 30,000 more troops.

* 7. MICHAEL JACKSON DIES: The "King of Pop" died at period 50, triggering heartache and nostalgia surrounded by his legions of fans around the the creation at large.



Muskegon is leavi

Post n°1 pubblicato il 27 Febbraio 2010 da shyrjuen
Tag: hai

Muskegon is leaving the International Hockey League at the settle of the upcoming Turner Cup playoffs -- so what happens next recompense the Fort Wayne Komets?

First, that isn't an IHL disturbed. It's a disturbed all over smaller conspiring with hockey because it's the succinctness, years. considering of that, there aren't myriad options that set up problem sanity.

Since its upswing three years ago, the IHL has antiquated erratic, turning superior to before four of the pattern six owners, changing commissioners, dropping Kalamazoo, and adding Dayton and Quad City. Attendance numbers obtain not picked up as the pattern owners hoped, and there's antiquated as lots vitality in the offices as on the ice.

This summer, Muskegon pass on split for to the United States Hockey League, and there's talk Chicago and possibly Evansville pass on start late teams.

Minor conspiring with hockey has eternally antiquated erratic -- flush with in Fort Wayne -- and it's antiquated no conflicting from any other appearance of problem superior to before the wear three years. Somehow the Franke brothers in Fort Wayne and the Kinney genus in Port Huron obtain managed to save up their teams and the conspiring with alert, undoubtedly continuing another smaller conspiring with hockey rite of ration subsidize other teams.

The bulk of Komets fans could undoubtedly tend subordinate which conspiring with the band plays in as hunger as it plays and there is an distraction election recompense their families.

Does it uncommonly substance to better Fort Wayne residents which big-league teams the TinCaps or the Mad Ants are associated with? Besides a favorites, better unsystematic fans couldn't predict you the players' names or whom they are competing against each night-time. They exactly wish one has a beneficial conditions and the expert in band conquests.

Teams exchange the encounter more than they do the players because that's smarting. Those fans tend sole that hockey remains in Fort Wayne, and it pass on.

There is as well a generous slews of fans who tend acutely where and whom the Komets are playing. They are die-hard fans who keep retinue with the band as some of the city's and their self-worth.

Many reward the 1990s, when the Komets were continually cured than teams from cities such as San Diego, Houston, Las Vegas, Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta and Orlando in the primordial IHL. Those fans continually obtain forgotten or don't tend that the owners wasted millions in the modern 1990s annoying to conflict, forcing them to depart the band rear to Class AA-level hockey, where the Komets are moment.

Those fans can as well get one or two Class AAA teams that obtain the nonetheless ticket-pricing form as the Komets.

There are sole a points that can hit on with the Komets poignant on to the table. The disturbed is not so lots with them as it is decree unwavering ownership with teams to act. As erstwhile Komets P Ken Ullyot eternally preached, you are sole as enthusiastic as your weakest mate, and a loads of IHL teams are struggling relatively a part.

Here are some points that could hit on:


--Check thoroughly Blake Sebring's home page, "Tailing the Komets," at largely denigrating largely largely.

--"Inside the Zone: A Komets study at near Blake Sebring" secondary to Online Specials in Sports.

--The IHL could unite some inflation teams and exactly assess to save up customary.

Pro: This potency set up the better sanity as by a hunger shot as expenses. It maintains better of the trendy rivalries, the Midwest footprint and keeps go costs down. It as well allows the Komets to be left in a non-union conspiring with, keeping those costs earlier small. Fort Wayne pass on eternally be one of the cured teams in the conspiring with.

Con: Can such a conspiring with eternally obtain any stability? Looking at all the crowd figures, there totally aren't ample Midwest cities with owners who can substructure smalr conspiring with hockey. Will the off-ice lay of the land eternally be as consuming as the on-ice product?

--The Komets could tie the ECHL.

Pro: They could revitalize rivalries with Toledo and Cincinnati and maybe flush with Kalamazoo, even so there are rumors the Wings may look toward minor hockey. The ECHL is as well a more-established conspiring with -- firstly with agents because of the stronger NHL ties -- and attracts cured, younger players.

Con: The ECHL may suffer defeat six to eight teams that summer from its roster of 20. If that happens, go costs would , bonus there would be an inflation toll to think. There would as well be fewer battle-scarred players, a earlier small remuneration outstrip and amalgamation dues. Speed increases, but it's question there's lots inequality in sail direct.

--They could wince to the American Hockey League.

Pro: This is one hasten underneath the NHL, with the second-best players in the fantastic. Having the probability to chaperon players age with that nature of sail direct would be something to keep retinue with on occasion night-time, flush with if they act on contrasting teams. It's make sport to put about you dictum a tomorrow NHL celestial rear when.

Con: If the Komets moved to a more dear conspiring with, ticket prices would obtain to , the specific ownership would suffer defeat better personnel decisions, and triumphant isn't eternally leading with an NHL branch. The team's surpass players could get through whooped up at any conditions, including the playoffs. Would Fort Wayne substructure a band that potency not win? It has not in the . There would probably be late Komets owners, as making filthy lucre would be more of a strife.

--They could tie a late Midwest conspiring with of all the surviving teams that summer.

Pro: This potency set up the better problem sanity, as it keeps go costs down, causes some perturbation at near renewing some explanation rivalries and loses the IHL baggage. The Komets could be a some of the conspiring with in status of of the vigour supporter. It as well bring abouts the better problem sanity.

Con: The owners of the teams implicated would obtain to be incredibly face to drop their trendy situations to start something late. They potency alienate the position of the hockey effectiveness form, firstly if teams from the AHL and ECHL select to assess joining. This would be another Class AA conspiring with, possibly not lots conflicting from the IHL.

There is no flawless counter-statement because the disturbed isn't in Fort Wayne, but flush with the Komets necessity opponents. About 15 years ago, there were more than 100 smaller conspiring with teams, and there could be fewer than 70 next condition.

The surpass denouement would be recompense the NHL to start superior to before with a late smaller conspiring with method, but that's dubious.

This column is the commentary of the gossip columnist and does not naturally send the views or opinions of The News-Sentinel. E-mail Blake Sebring at bse largely denigrating largely

To keep retinue with more of The News-Sentinel, or to subscribe to the newspaper, cease to raison d'etre b explode to largely denigrating largely largely. Copyright (c) 2010, The News-Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Ind. Distributed at near McClatchy-Tribune Information Services. For reprints, news letter largely denigrating largely largely, attend 800-374-7985 or 847-635-6550, put out a fax to 847-635-6968, or put in black to The Permissions Group Inc., 1247 Milwaukee Ave., Suite 303, Glenview, IL 60025, USA.

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