Berlusconi to win the IgNobel prizes for peace and economy!

Citizen of the world please lend us a help! Hear my desperate voice and soccur my people! Someone nominated Mr. Silvio Berlusconi for 2010 peace Nobel price! Now besides this being an insult to all the Nobel Laureates, it makes us Italian feel ashamed in front of the world!So  here is what I propose to do: to nominate Silvio Berlusconi for the 2010 IgNobel Prizes for peace and economy. If you agree with the motivations listed below, please copy and paste them in an e.mail to:Kees MoelikerImprobable ResearchEuropean Bureau.cwmoelik@planet.nlDear Mr Moeliker, I wish to nominate Mr Berlusconi for the 2010 Ignobel prizes for peace and economy, on these grounds:1-Peace:Mr Berlusconi's uncalled for remarks on President Obama and Mrs Michelle Obama skin color, his friendship with the dictator Gaddafi, his total lack of understanding of how relationships with the UE should be conducted. jeopardize Italy's position and credibiltity within the international community. This greatly diminishes the country's ability to intervene in matters of world peace. On these grounds I nominate Silvio Berlusconi for the 2010 Peace IgNobel prize.2-Economy:With the recent approval of the so called "fiscal shield", anyone who has kept money in bank accounts abroad (to avoid paying the due taxes") will be allowed to bring this money back to italy. The fee for that is going to be 5% and anonimity will be guaranteed. It is my opinion that this not only will transform Italy into an "off-shore" state, but it will also attract money of criminal and possibly terroristic organizations.On these grounds I nominate Silvio Berlusconi for the 2010 Economy IgNobel prize.Sincerely(put your name here)  SI SMURA!!Gabriele Amore