maggie's world

The beautiful flower in information era

anufacturing information on the mechanical role in promoting industrial development largely reflected in the four levels??First, products, information technology, and through the integration of advanced manufacturing technology, the traditional mechanical products into information, computer, laser and other high-tech, making mechanical and electrical integration products, integrated products of modern technology, enabling product enhancements , raise the level of intelligence to meet the information age requirements of mechanical products; Second, the design, manufacturing process automation and intelligence, greatly shorten the design cycle, improve the success rate of design, design costs, faster market response, the manufacturing process automation, intelligent and improve product quality and consistency, labor strength reduction; Third, at the enterprise level, the company's various information integration, the formation of the sharing of resources, improve enterprise management level, efficiency, economic efficiency, thereby enhancing the market competitiveness of enterprises; Fourth, enterprises realize the interconnection of information, so that shared resources of different enterprises, dramatically changing the machinery of industrial organization, development, production and business model, reduce duplication and waste of resources to adapt to economic globalization and the Internet of the requirements, and enhance the overall competitiveness of the industry.Information to the organizational structure of manufacturing enterprises may be a straight line from the original functions of the system into a flat pyramid organization of the network organization. Such as manufacturing, jaw crusher, ball mill energy has entered the information mode of production, greatly improved its functionality and usability, and mining machinery manufacturing industry to meet its needs.Planned economic system, is a manufacturing company is only responsible for the production of basic economic organization, but also a 'large', 'small' mode of production, business and even assumed the social functions, R & D capabilities weak, sales sectors of the weak, and relatively large processing capacity, organizational structure, like olives, two small, the middle. In a market economy, enterprises have become the main market, the need to strengthen research and development and sales management, and the middle part of the processing can take advantage of the processing capacity of the community, organizational structure, such as dumbbells, two strong, the middle sperm. Information to the organizational structure from the 'olive' to 'dumbbell' change is possible.Information technology also enables manufacturers to a fundamental change in production mode. Lean and agile manufacturing, concurrent engineering, mass customization, and so the endless mode of production, there were the result of birth information. E-commerce, supply chain management, manufacturing and so the network can not do without information technology, it is also the information associated with the new production organization to continuously improve the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector, rising to a new level, can continue to meet the user's individual requirements.As the professional manufacturer of complete sets of mining machinery, such as Cement mill,Jaw crushers,Ball mills,Rock crushing plant,Henan Hongxing is always doing the best in products and service.