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Korean plenary meeting of the Cabinet decided to implement the economic nuclear parallel route

North Korea has held all the enlarged meeting of the Cabinet, to discuss the issue of economic construction, decided to implement the "economic construction and the construction of nuclear forces parallel route.Wholesale SnapbacksDPRK Premier Pak Bong Ju implement the Workers Party of Korea's economic construction and construction of nuclear forces parallel route "delivered a work report. The Cabinet Deputy Prime Minister victory Xun summed up the first quarter of this year, the implementation of the national economic development plans, the completion of the second quarter of national economic development plans measures. The report said that North Korea first quarter of this year, the state budget revenue increase of 6.6% over the same period last year.Cheap Snapbacks Free ShippingThe meeting also proposed the implementation of the "economic construction and the construction of nuclear forces parallel route specific topics and methods to strengthen the economic power construction, improve people's living standards. The meeting decided to pay close attention to the coal industry and metal industrial building and concentrate on the development of agriculture and light industry, stability and improving living standards. The meeting will mobilize all forces to increase food production, unconditional completion of this year's grain production plan decisively solve the problem of feeding the people and food.Only Snapback Cheap