Il rospo


Dopo aver letto questo post, è stata valutata l'opportunità di tradurlo in più lingue perchè la comprensione fosse su più vasta scala. E chi poteva prendersi quest'onere se non la nostra esperta in traduzioni (ne vanta di numerosa dal geroglifico al veneto, fino all'itallico) Miss Appletirsempre?A com Agricoltur: is a practive that some persone do dedicetid invec di sgrattug ours coions. As when they riunisc him in happy combricol and open blog where speak and spam nobil intenscion that the war of pedofilia  only to guadagn a lot of conctas. Sometime they veng bannat because don’t have null da dir forgives him in a practice that doesn't make effect: the prend per il cul the others. Dedicativ of the cure of the garden, risparmiet the money of connescion and with what you cost the vegetables you will torveret advantage of it.B com Broccolo: il a version 2.0 oh James NewHause. Is present himself in a messegeria with write copy of choccolatine  modify to his image and somiglians. If sometimes he’s leggeses quell cax to r he had writes, he should be ashamed as a thief that steals in the dispensation of an orfanatrofio (grazie gugol). To sentir he doesn't make scappar one, to sentir shes, as it breaks the coglionis a little so much.C come ciat: a wouderful game. When it’s doesn’t here, we ci buttavam on the street to rimorc man and woman. Now it’s the oppost. Deborah with h blackberry, cry breasts and so much, but so much sexy. If invec it calls Oreste and make the piastellist to Catanzaro, and you has taken you for the culo for six months few it cares, to have dreamt to open eyes for so much time, val well a small, meaningless disappointment.D com Dotatomanontroppo: it’s to difficult to translate, but is a person very very punt. Read him my goodness!!E com Enter: ved google translationF com Facciamoloincam: com on (i don't translete beause i sacc inglis but not so much ben)