IT study guide

IBM 000-550 practice test

Test 000-550: IBM solidDB and IBM solidDB Universal CacheTest information:Number of questions: 61Time allowed in minutes: 90Required passing score: 63%Test languages: EnglishThe test contains five sections totalling approximately 61 multiple-choice questions.  The percentages after each section title reflect the approximate distribution of the total question set across the sections.Section 1 – Architecture (18%)Table Types (In-memory vs. on-disk Tables and Properties)Durability and Persistency OptionsData TypesApplication Interfaces (JDBC, ODBC, SA)Server process, drivers, linking options, File System usageSection 2 – Administration (15%)Startup / Shutdownsolsql / solconBackup / RecoveryData migration (solexp, solload, soldd)Version MigrationSection 3 – Installation and Configuration (15%)Standalone Setup and ConfigHSB Setup and ConfigCache Setup and ConfigSection 4 – Cache (15%)Read Only / Read Write OptionsSupported Topologies and Partitioning (Load partitioning and data partitioning)Data Mapping / Transformation OptionsSection 5 – Performance (15%)Application Design Considerations (e.g. linked vs. not linked, cache on same machine as application)Database Design Considerations (e.g. database size and index size implications and on memory, configuration parameters)Performance Tuning (e.g. configuration parameters, table types, transaction logging options, linked vs. not linked)Cache Specific Performance IssuesWorkload ConsiderationsSection 6 – High Availability (11%)solidDB High Availability ArchitectureAutomatic Load Balancing setup and api attributes / configuration (Auto Load Balancing)   2.Setup, Failover, etc.ODBC and JDBC connectivity configuration (programming / connection attributes)3.Cache Specific Issues + Back-end Failover4.Synchronization MethodsSection 7 – Monitoring, Diagnostics and Troubleshooting (11%)Cache Monitoring via CDC ToolsStandalone Engine Monitoring1).pmon2).SQL trace generation and diagnosing (more for application developers and DBAs)CDC Diagnostics and Troubleshooting