Spacepod Life - Io, Capitano di me stesso, passeggero del mondo
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Vespa sidecar!

And others still weird but a little more familiar...Ed altri ugualmente buffi ma un po' piu familiari...

Per le strade di Giacarta

Weird vehicles on the streets of JakartaStrani veicoli per le strade di Giacarta


I have learnt to replace the world 'home' with 'destination'. So here it is, my new destination.

Connecting places

For somebody like me, that struggle with the word 'home' the only thing left is to search for new places. Where place is more appropriate for me than to start from an airport?

Bye bye Perth

After almost 3 years in Perth I have finally moved on. Back into the adventure.Dopo quasi 3 anni a Perth e' vanuto il momento di cambiare. Si ritorna a vivere l'avventura

Post N° 531

by Johnny Hart

“It is more shameful to mistrust one's friends than to be deceived by them”

“It is more shameful to mistrust one's friends than to be deceived by them”Francois De La Rochefocauld

"Chi non capisce i tuoi silenzi, non capira' neanche le tue parole."


Post N° 528

Time to set the sails to the seven seas...E' tempo di alzare le vele per i sette mari...

Post N° 527

Un saluto a tutti gli amici intorno al mondo e alla ciurma del capitano Paff!Greetings to all the friends around the world and the captain Paff's crew!

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