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What Is Still Safe To Consume?

Everywhere I go there is always a new piece of information about something we eat, use, or are exposed to that is cancerous or at the very least unhealthy. It almost seems as if every move we are used to making in our day-to-day lives has a consequence that is detrimental to our wellbeing—but where is all of this information coming from? Hearsay, Internet headlines, movies…Even doctors are starting to have contradicting ideas about certain health concerns. Everything we eat seems to have something harmful in them. The soap we use, the deodorant we put, etc. So, who are we supposed to listen to, and which diet should we follow? First and foremost, listen to your body, because in the end it all boils down to you. Taking responsibility for what you consume (reading labels, quick web searches, knowing your blood type) is your best bet for leading a proper lifestyle.