

In April 2010 US President Barack Obama issued an executive order naming al-Shabab a terrorist organisation, meaning no US aid could go to areas under its control, our analyst adds. Earlier, the Met was accused by MPs of a "catalogue of failures" in the News of the World phone-hacking inquiry. He said the goal was to save lives, "not to play a game of 'gotcha' with a UN agency or any other group that is brave enough to go in and provide that assistance". "If we don't act now, famine will spread to all eight regions of southern Somalia within two months, due to poor harvests and infectious disease outbreaks," said the UN humanitarian co-ordinator for Somalia, Mark Bowden. Save the Children's Sonia Zambakides told the BBC the situation in Somalia was shocking. Downing Street confirms that the prime minister received and responded to a letter from Labour MP Tom Watson last October, in which he had raised concerns about Mr Coulson An estimated 10 million people have been affected in East Africa by the worst drought in more than half a century. More than 166,000 desperate Somalis are estimated to have fled their country to neighbouring Kenya or Ethiopia.15015 11946 3485 3611 1693 11318 4260 17266 6456 19565 1998 10004 19228 1859 19424 241 13017 16044 2031 17733 11957 346 12851 2956 10582 11381 9908 7880 16059 634 3013 18740 2610 13537 6936 7441 1324 6891 7679 681 1887 3898 4933 5488 9443 14186 1080 13634 4000 13513 17103 3596 2699 16994 11102 14608 19124 508 12914 10239 1336 16421 1150 5808 16603 3328 7546 5626 14897 11930 18941 6275 8389 1282 15801 8212 15412 7500 13278 16351 10321 16361 4010 2508 3711 19471 16055 5726 2556 12237 8361 755 13805 17468 19403 5535 2712 19157 8869 6306 6811 15458 18809 11917 14574 10778 15101 1405 1064 3006 19241 11586 7179 16716 19943 5077 12400 18678 2194 17237 7230 1853 3165 2700 3729 18190 12298 10999 1917 10330 5573 16388 18618 7135 9469 14753 17572 11936 7834 12808 4360 14562 4705 19612 12959 16773 13511 17328 17520 14266 12955 4057 17057 11633 19069 4976 12382 16131 8337 16543 18455 4185 19530 10693 17472 2913 12930 32 7103 5193 7520 421 10862 9236 12794 12482 17270 3554 9546 6920 4601 15044 13430 7545 17397 1540 19392 6927 8108 4695 2423 1371 3740 11214 14307 130 15113 13783 2224 10094 3808 13446 10066 12294 6897 12527 13028 7725 18850 6556 7752 8941 6550 1436 11907 3440 10607 11922 13313 15912 3552 6121 11924 2535 2773 6174 16904 19629 14839 12656 17448 3386 1320 19494 3261 10974 4979 1180 626 4822 8408 11612 8132 1596 16984 13338 14826 2305 19339 11026