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Tips on Career Choice

How many times in life we are forced to make choices? Actually, almost every day. It can be the choice of partner in life, or the choice of school for your kid... Our life is constant and continuous process of making decisions. And sometimes those decisions influence our future.  Psychologists consider the situation of making choices one of the most difficult and stressful. Especially when it concerns your child's future. We are talking about children who are to graduate from school and choose their career path.  Here are several tips that will help in decision-making. Talents. This is the first thing to pay attention to. It's perfect if you have been developing your child's talents from childhood. Now it's time to look around and think where these talents can be applied. One can pass a professional test or just to analyze child's inclinations. For instance, artistic abilities can be applied in design, architecture, building. If a child is good in composition writing – this is a perfect skill to become a journalist. Talented photographer can fulfill himself as vision or camera operator. The choice is wide.  Interest. Talk to your child about what is interesting for him/her. Pay attention to what he/she likes to do, what fascinates your child. Think together in what professional field this interest can be applied, what are your child's motives of career choice. For instance, if your son is keen on computer games, maybe, he can become a developer of those games. If your daughter is good at applying make-up, this can become her future profession.  Dream. Don't reject your child's old dreams. If he/she has dreamed of becoming a teacher or hairdresser from childhood, then why not? Well, of course your weighty argument is that lawyers, bankers, and businessmen earn way more. However, the latest research shows that choosing a career due to the money criterion can lead to disappointment, neurosis, and, at last, to poverty.  Tendencies. Give yourself a trouble to study the employment market tendencies. It's not a secret that there are many specialists who cannot find a job in their field of expertise. Find out what specialties are in the biggest demand these days and which will be in demand in five year period. It is also advisable to pay attention to the professions that will be needed regardless of time. For instance, the profession of a doctor. Our world is developing, new technologies are being invented and implemented, however, there are still so many incurable diseases. Yet, as every other career, becoming a doctor has its cons. To become a highly-paid surgeon, dentist, ophthalmologist etc. you have to study hard and for a long time. Anyway, getting acquainted with questions like “how to become a physical therapist” or “how to become a nurse anesthetist” will not be out of place.  Parents Ambitions. Parents should not think about their unrealized dreams and ambitions when choosing a career for their child. If mom or dad failed to become great and famous, one should not strive to realize the ambition by using a child. Too high act to follow may lead to disappointment and bitterness. Just listen carefully to your children, watch them, don't be afraid to ask them straight questions. And don't forget to confess that you are not ideal either.  And don't be afraid to make mistakes! No one would assure that this particular choice is a perfect fit from now on. Your life resembles a jigsaw puzzle, and profession is only one piece of the whole picture. And even if the choice will be wrong – this is the way to self-knowledge.