
A Short History of Beads tiffany necklace uk

Beads and adornments of jewelry go back thousands of years in ancient Egypt. They were very important in their burial sites and had many meanings and purposes. The Gods always had to be pleased and placated. Stone beads tiffany necklace were protective and the scarab beetles were looked to prolong life. They have a very colorful history.It is not even known how far back Tibetan beads go. Special ones are very mystical in nature. Jewelry cheap tiffany necklace acted as their protector from bad spirits. Some of the beads were very large and some were even etched intricately.Archaeological digs show that China had glass beads for many hundreds of years and they were traded heavily.Venetian glass beads were being made as far back as 1,000 AD or beyond and Venice was known as the "Mother of Trade Beads".The American Indians used trade beads and traded furs for certain beads. That's how important they were to them and their culture. The NW Indians liked a particular blue bead (Padre Bead from China). Their wonderful beadwork is well known.Beads come in all shapes and sizes; they are made of tiffany necklace uk glass, clay, minerals and gems. They are laser made, hand made, nature made; and are circles, tubes, long, decorated and in the form animals and other objects, but most of all they are fun and beautiful and bring joy to people.Some Lore Regarding Gemstone Beads:Amethyst: derived from the Greek meaning not drunken It erases evil thoughts and keeps one grounded. It tiffany necklace sale comes in many shades.Onyx: said to ward off the "evil eye" in India and used as a worry stone that helps eliminate stress.Carnelian: Balances creativity and mental processes. Helps with blood flowto healCoral: one of the seven treasures in BuddhismKunzite: gives emotional support. This stone helps keep the mind and emotions stay in sync.Malachite: Brings harmony into one's life.Moldavite: this is a grounding stone it really puts one "in their body". This is extremely strong - you may wish to try black onyx for grounding firstOrange Moonstone: helps one accept other stone's help by comforting you. This is less powerful than white, but helpful when one really needs a certain stone.Fresh Water Pearl: Enables one tiffany men's necklace to accept love. Helps one see the good parts of oneself so you can love yourself and others more.Peridot: brings the energies from within the aura to the physical body. This is useful after tiffany necklace for men energy work - however, one needs to be certain that they are bringing in the new energy - not the stuff they are trying to purgeSugilite: Absorbs "garbage" from wearer's aura. It uplifts and gives more energy.Turquoise: the stone of detoxificationSodalite: protects from external negative energy.Unikite: balances the physical and emotions.。