

"The overall requirement is $1.6bn (�990m) for Somalia, roughly $300m is needed in the next two months to provide an adequate response to famine-affected areas. Children and adults are dying at an appalling rate," Mr Ban said. The law firm had said it was being prevented from responding to "inaccurate" comments made by News International chairman James Murdoch because the company would not allow it breach its duty of client confidentiality. The BBC's Africa correspondent Andrew Harding says the emotive word "famine" is used rarely and carefully by humanitarian organisations, and it is the first time since 1992 that the word has been applied to a situation in Somalia. Nearly half the Somali population - 3.7 million people - were in crisis, he said, with most of them in the south. 'Dangerously inadequate' Al-Shabab, an al-Qaeda-affiliated group which controls large swathes of south and central Somalia, had imposed a ban on foreign aid agencies in its territories in 2009, but has recently allowed limited access.56014 38544 49745 37816 66925 10652 44338 44519 36990 70449 65066 3752 39819 71268 8641 32213 72565 27704 12762 3812 56758 54668 58656 12735 70921 23408 24744 21916 16005 47975 113 59431 52047 70030 8902 41645 4425 28322 67670 6194 11562 9429 55850 16351 57843 19349 23921 66725 18123 54597 25852 60700 4479 20305 22888 1353 53038 36951 40101 43467 59092 22395 28457 62175 70339 5627 24811 42948 62298 40152 27782 44195 33199 6586 65345 47274 71999 42248 28066 51488 72672 31178 3800 34562 22147 12517 54938 31733 47071 7578 61774 40581 61387 24168 20242 62352 54123 66839 19206 52193 67709 54087 4414 51107 26799 54787 27458 71066 28108 48718 2527 10735 8867 61749 43974 27885 18587 67029 39996 57730 23827 66226 69045 54688 51511 60372 55961 9004 59482 3013 66321 5137 23011 48977 56957 18514 26753 25802 7755 40507 58225 57064 3627 71529 5080 50946 31669 72809 53313 65510 43717 60277 26804 34616 28359 1492 58212 22849 72767 39589 71998 18418 11497 25113 55566 70543 60897 33019 4773 25437 1149 65961 59238 72658 72668 39906 62606 70697 49563 558 28670 56311 28829 67123 32389 6048 51432 61539 20615 55459 33450 3905 26193 41291 41666 39771 45494 51598 15861 7701 63243 71819 68006 27870 64357 50876 1030 27309 35105 61600 11974 60706 46368 72215 10891 15586 62756 17528 65870 49465 19013 72530 12335 22434 65124 70408 39730 17888 30931 32836 67555 10925 54730 41858 10417 30007 61466 958 2765 54593 5033 24113 26374 32185 43421 45875 30633 27137 30373 26035