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N.J. Gov. Christie Road Trips to Attract Businesses

Post n°8 pubblicato il 09 Febbraio 2011 da tvajienhryl

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican, has swapped insults with Illinois and Maryland's Democrat governors over which state is the most business-friendly. But this weekend he put his money where his mouth is by paying for a trip to Chicago during which he attempted to lure major corporations to New Jersey.

At a press conference at the New Jersey State House in Trenton today, thereported that Christie claimed to have "one major lead," following his trip. When asked about whether he felt badly about trying to lure away jobs from another state to New Jersey, Christie said that he felt no guilt, and continued to allude to future tax cuts for businesses.

Christie declined to name the business that showed interest in New Jersey, or the names of the other businesses that he met with during his two-day trip. One business, though, made it clear that they were not interested in relocating to the Garden State.reported that Kraft spokesman Michael Mitchell said that, "We received an invitation to meet with the governor, but schedules were simply not conducive to a meeting at this time."

Christie's visit to Illinois coincided with recent tax rate hikes for both individuals and businesses in Illinois. Last month, Illinois Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn signed a whopping 67 percent tax increase. Christie has even taken out print and radio advertisements in major Illinois cities Chicago and Springfield that repeat his promise to not raise taxes in New Jersey.

The Star-Ledger has reported the Christie was elated upon hearing about the Illinois tax rate increases, saying, "I'll go and try to collect as many businesses as I can. And every job that I create, that I take from Illinois, which comes to New Jersey, will be a net plus for us."

Former New Jersey Gov. Jim Florio has suggested that behind Christie's brash statements is a hefty dash of good timing, saying to thethat, "I think one of the things Gov. Christie has going for him is the fact that we're at least coming out of a very strong recession."

Because Christie is at the helm at a time when the economy is naturally going to expand following a recession, he may be able to ride that wave to re-election as Governor or even the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.

Thereported that the advertisements were followed with letters sent by the New Jersey lieutenant governor, Kim Guadagno, to 553 different Illinois-based businesses of varying sizes who will be affected by the recent tax increases, however neither Christie nor Guadagno has said how many of those businesses were open to meeting with Christie during his recent trip.

Currently, New Jersey's business tax rate is 9 percent compared to Illinois's 9.5 percent, but thanks to other laws and their lower personal income tax rate, Illinois still ranks above New Jersey on the . New Jersey is currently considered the 48th worst tax climate for businesses, followed only by New York and California, while thenoted that the recent rate increases in Illinois would move the state into 36th place.

Meanwhile, the noted that Christie's war of words with Maryland's Governor Martin O'Malley led O'Malley to snipe, "Gov. Christie has avoided the tough choices all governors face by making drastic cuts to schools, resorting to fiscal gimmicks like skipping pension payments, and putting New Jersey at a disadvantage for creating jobs and opportunity."

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Pound takes a battering on UK economic contraction

Post n°7 pubblicato il 26 Gennaio 2011 da tvajienhryl
Tag: codice

LONDON – The British pound took a hit Tuesday after official figures showed the U.K. economy unexpectedly contracted in the last three months of 2010.

Stocks in Europe and on Wall Street fell, although a surprisingly big rise in U.S. consumer confidence in January helped limit the losses.

In the U.K., statisticians largely blamed the 0.5 percent quarterly decline in output on heavy snow during December. They said output would have been flat without weather-related factors — still far below market expectations for a 0.5 percent increase.

Analysts said the figures have reined in expectations that the Bank of England would start raising interest rates soon in light of stubbornly high inflation levels — recent data for December showed that consumer price inflation stood at 3.7 percent, way ahead of the Bank's target of 2 percent.

Unsurprisingly, the pound was hit hard as investors priced in a lower probability of an interest rate increase from the current record low of 0.5 percent.

Within a minute or two of the data's release, the pound had dropped over a cent against the U.S. dollar. By late afternoon London time, it was down 1.1 percent on the day at $1.58, off its earlier low of $1.5753.

Stocks were also hurt by the news, with the FTSE 100 index of leading British shares closing 0.4 percent lower at 5,917.71. Germany's main DAX index was down 0.1 percent at 7,059.01 while France's CAC-40 fell 0.3 percent to 4,019.62.

All eyes will be on Bank of England governor Mervyn King later Tuesday when he delivers one of his few set-piece speeches of the year. Before the GDP figures, a number of analysts had been expecting the governor to present a more hawkish stance in light of the recent spike in inflation.

"An interest rate hike could be the nail in the coffin for any notion of a durable economic recovery this year," said Neil MacKinnon, global macro strategist at VTB Capital.

The concern in the markets is that Britain's economy is vulnerable to fiscal tightening. The raft of spending cuts and tax increases the government announced last fall had not yet come into force during the fourth quarter.

The markets are also getting ready for the U.S. Federal Reserve's first interest rate decision of the year Wednesday.

The Fed is not expected to alter its current monetary stance, with the main interest rate at the record low of near zero percent and the central bank in the middle of a $600 billion injection into the U.S. economy.

However, investors will be looking for any noticeable change in views on the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee following a slight improvement in economic indicators.

The difference between the Fed and the Bank of England is that the U.S. central bank has a dual mandate. As well as monitoring inflation it has to keep an eye on employment levels and so far the figures have not shown a noticeable improvement in job creation.

"While the recovery in GDP growth is encouraging, and the new fiscal policy stimulus negotiated by President Obama and the Republicans should provide further support, it may take considerable time before the unemployment rate is brought down to acceptable levels," said Philip Morey, an analyst at Rabobank International.

U.S. stocks were subdued at the bell after disappointing earnings from the likes of Johnson & Johnson and U.S. Steel. However, the selling was kept in check by a much bigger than anticipated jump in U.S. consumer confidence, as measured by the Conference Board.

Its main confidence index spiked to an eight-month high of 60.6 in January from 53.3 in December. The increase was far greater than the market consensus for a single point gain.

The Dow Jones industrial average was down 0.3 percent at 11,947 around midday New York time while the broader Standard & Poor's 500 futures fell 0.3 percent to 1,287.18.

Earlier in Asia, Japan's Nikkei 225 stock average added 1.2 percent to close at 10,464.42 after the Bank of Japan kept its key interest rate unchanged at virtually zero, hoping to protect a still-fragile economy from veering off track.

South Korea's Kospi rose 0.2 percent and Australia's S&P/ASX 200 gained 0.5 percent. Hong Kong's Hang Seng index dropped less than 0.1 percent while shares on mainland China were down as investors continued to worry about attempts by the government to slow growth and get inflation under control.

The Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.7 percent and the Shenzhen Composite Index for China's smaller, second market was down 1.2 percent.

Among currencies, the euro was down 0.3 percent at $1.3595 having hit a two-month high on Monday. The dollar was 0.2 percent lower at 82.38 yen.

Benchmark crude for March delivery was down $1.15 at $86.72 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.


Pamela Sampson in Bangkok contributed to this report.

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/C O R R E C T I O N -- US Committee for Camp Ashraf Residents (USCCAR)/

Post n°6 pubblicato il 26 Gennaio 2011 da tvajienhryl

WASHINGTON, Jan. 24, 2011 – In the news release, USCCAR Condemns Execution of PMOI Members in Iran, Calls on Secretary Clinton to Denounce the Executions, issued 24-Jan-2011 by US Committee for Camp Ashraf Residents (USCCAR) over PR Newswire, we are advised by the organization that the headline should read "USCCAR Condemns Execution of PMOI Affiliates in Iran, Calls on Secretary Clinton to Denounce the Executions," rather than "USCCAR Condemns Execution of PMOI Members in Iran, Calls on Secretary Clinton to Denounce the Executions," as originally issued inadvertently. The complete, corrected release follows:

USCCAR Condemns Execution of PMOI Affiliates in Iran, Calls on Secretary Clinton to Denounce the ExecutionsWASHINGTON, Jan. 24, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The U.S. Committee for Camp Ashraf Residents (USCCAR) strongly condemns the vengeful execution today of political prisoners Jaafar Kazemi and Mohammad Ali Haj-Aqai and calls on Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to swiftly and strongly denounce this heinous crime.

The Committee also urges Secretary Clinton to promptly remove the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), Iran's principal opposition, from the FTO list. The unjustified blacklisting of the PMOI has not only been a major impediment to democratic change in Iran but has also been used by the governments of Iran and Iraq to subject our loved ones in Camp Ashraf in Iraq, and inside Iran, to murder and inhumane treatment.

Kazemi, 47, a political prisoner for 11 years, and Haj-Aqai, 62, a political prisoner for 7 years, were family members of several residents of Camp Ashraf, home to 3,400 members of PMOI, "Protected Persons" under the Fourth Geneva Convention. These two heroes of the resistance for freedom against the religious tyranny ruling Iran were executed on the charge of "moharebeh," or 'waging war on God,' for visiting their loved ones in Camp Ashraf and encouraging their families to do the same; participating, filming and taking photos in the anti-government uprisings; interviewing families of residents of Camp Ashraf and collecting funds for the PMOI members there.

Today's executions make it abundantly clear that the Iraqi government's two-year long barbaric siege of Camp Ashraf and the escalating suppression of its residents at the behest of Tehran demonstrated by the January 7 assault on Camp Ashraf by Iran's agents and fully backed by the Iraqi forces is the flip side of Tehran's inhuman executions of PMOI members and affiliates in Iran.

The continued U.S. inaction vis-a-vis the deteriorating situation in Camp Ashraf and its silence following last December's execution of another Camp Ashraf and PMOI affiliate, Ali Saremi, as well as Washington's refusal to heed a bi-partisan call in the U.S. House of Representatives to end the unjustified designation of the PMOI, has further emboldened Camp Ashraf enemies in Tehran and Baghdad to step up the suppression of the PMOI members with impunity.

SOURCEUS Committee for Camp Ashraf Residents (USCCAR)

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Nearly 1 in 5 Americans had mental illness in 2009

Post n°5 pubblicato il 18 Novembre 2010 da tvajienhryl
Tag: scene

CHICAGO (Reuters) – More than 45 million Americans, or 20 percent of U.S. adults, had some form of mental illness last year, and 11 million had a serious illness, U.S. government researchers reported on Thursday.

Young adults aged 18 to 25 had the highest level of mental illness at 30 percent, while those aged 50 and older had the lowest, with 13.7 percent, said the report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration or SAMHSA.

The rate, slightly higher than last year's 19.5 percent figure, reflected increasing depression, especially among the unemployed, SAMHSA, part of the National Institutes of Health, said.

"Too many Americans are not getting the help they need and opportunities to prevent and intervene early are being missed," Pamela Hyde, SAMHSA's administrator, said in a statement.

"The consequences for individuals, families and communities can be devastating. If left untreated mental illnesses can result in disability, substance abuse, suicides, lost productivity, and family discord."

The 2009 mental health survey hints at the impact of record unemployment rates, which last year hit a 25-year high as struggling employers slashed jobs to cope with a weak economy.

For many, lost employment meant loss of health insurance, leaving many of the nation's mentally ill unable to get treatment.

According to the survey, 6.1 million adults last year had a mental health need that went untreated, and 42.5 percent said it was because they could not afford it.

It found 14.8 million Americans had major depression last year, and 10 percent of the jobless did, compared with 7.5 of retired people or those not in the job force, 7.3 percent who worked part time and 5.4 percent who worked full time.

Only 64 percent of adults aged 18 or older with major depression were treated last year, compared with 71 percent a year ago.

Being jobless also increased the risk of suicide.

Adults who were unemployed last year were twice as likely to have serious thoughts of suicide as people who were fully employed, with 6.6 percent of the unemployed considering suicide, compared with 3.1 percent of those who were working.

The survey also found that 23.8 percent of women had some form of mental illness, compared with 15.6 percent of men.

(Editing by Maggie Fox and Sandra Maler)

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J.K. Rowling: Information, Key Facts and Background

Post n°4 pubblicato il 18 Novembre 2010 da tvajienhryl
Tag: world

J.K. Rowling is the mind behind the seven "Harry Potter" novels.With "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1" releasing in theaters this week, here is an overview of the popular author who created Harry's world.

What was J.K Rowling's life like before the publication and popularity of Harry Potter?

Prior to the publication of any of the Harry Potter novels, Rowling had been dealing with the loss of her mom, being a single mother, and living on welfare. , Rowling had been diagnosed with clinical depression and contemplated suicide.Instead of acting on her thoughts, Rowling used her loss and depression for inspiration in Harry Potter.She included the emotion she experienced after the loss of her mother by explaining Harry's loss of his parents in his story.The dementors, highlighted in "Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban," were inspired by her battle with depression.Often writing in cafes, Rowling wrote about Harry Potter while dealing with the many difficult aspects of herlife.

How has J.K. Rowling's life improved?

Following the immense popularity of the Harry Potter series, Rowling's life has drastically changed from her prior-Harry Potter life.She is a very wealthy woman.Thereported in 2003 that Rowling had surpassed the Queen of England in wealth.Now, according to , Rowling is one of the world's richest self-made women, accumulating more than a billion dollars.In an , Rowling said "the greatest gift money has given her is the freedom from worry."

What controversies has J.K Rowling faced with the Harry Potter series?

The Harry Potter novels have created many controversies for their focus on magic and witchcraft. Her books have been banned in some places.People have associated her with the occult and called her a witch, claims that Rowling denies.Many aspects of Harry Potter actually have Christian themes and images.Rowling is currently involved in a plagiarism suit against her.According to , it is alleged she borrowed portions of her book "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" from a book called "Willy the Wizard."Rowling maintains that she has never read the story.

Will J.K Rowling write any more about Harry Potter?

Although Rowling has continually stated that Harry Potter's story is complete, she has left open the possibility of returning to his world in the future.An encyclopedia of Harry's world, similar to the book Hermione commonly refers to in the books -- "A History of Magic" -- may eventually be published."Tales of the Beetle Bard," a book of stories discussed in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," has also been released. Rowling has stated that she will always continue to write, which gives hope to fans that she may eventually write again about her magical world.

How has J.K. Rowling changed literature?

Although amazing books for children and young adults existed before Rowling, the Harry Potter novels have had a wonderful influence on literature.Children, young adults, and adults were excited for her novels.Her books made a huge impact on the "coolness" level of reading and inspired all her readers to expand their imagination.For those who had lost their desire to read, Rowling made it fun again.

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