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Berlusconi's Sex Scandal Begins a New Decade of Impropriety for 21st Century Politicians

Silvio Berlusconi's political sex scandal is the latest to dominate the headlines. As reported at , the 74-year-old prime minister of Italy is fighting to remain premier despite allegations that he paid a 17-year-old girl for sex, which is a crime in Italy if the prostitute is under 18, and had topless women dance for him at his Milan villa. Berlusconi denies the allegations.The public is aware of court documents and wiretapped phone conversations of the women who attended Berlusconi's alleged parties. Yet, the premier is not backing down."As you all know, firestorms don't scare me, and the bigger they are, the more I'm convinced that I have to react in the interest of all citizens, in the interest of our country."Berlusconi's troubles ring a familiar tune. The decade of 2000 to 2010 was full of political sex scandals.From Eliot Spitzer to John Edwards to Mark Sanford, these scandals, from some of the most powerful men in history, are so numerous that people have come to expect them.Sheridan off to jailNot only does Berlusconi risk losing his position if he is found guilty of the allegations, he also faces jail time. Jail time is what will happen to former Scottish politician Tommy Sheridan.In 2006, the "News of the World" accused the 46-year-old Solidarity leader of committing adultery and visiting a Manchester swing club. Sheridan sued the British tabloid for defamation and won damages of $320,000. Now, as reported at , Sheridan has been found guilty of lying under oath in that defamation case and was sentenced Jan. 26 to three years in prison.Souder forced to quitAlthough jail time is one of the worst consequences of a political sex scandal, having to step down from a position is another one. Mark Souder, the 60-year-old Republican and Indiana member of the U.S. House of Representatives, resigned in May 2010 after admitting he had an affair with a female aide who worked in his district office. "In this poisonous environment of Washington, D.C., any personal failing is seized upon, often twisted, for political gain. I am resigning rather than to put my family through that painful, drawn-out process," said Souder, as reported at .Jackson rumorsLastly, political sex scandals can keep a politician from major opportunities. Amid allegations that Jesse Jackson Jr. was involved in Rob Blagojevich's plot to sell Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat for money, the 45-year-old Democrat and Illinois member of the U.S. House of Representatives is alleged to have had an affair with a Washington restaurant hostess, as reported at . The political sex scandal blew any remaining possibility Jackson had to run for mayor of Chicago afterRichard M. Daley announced he would not seek the office again. Finally.Utopia .Hope .You and Me.Stool Pidgeon