
road to 2014 europa pro show: lionel beyeke.

dopo le aspre polemiche sul suo quarto posto in classifica all'Arnold Classic Brasil 2014, continuo ad essere sempre più convinto che meritasse la vittoria, Lionel ha deciso di continuare a gareggiare.la sua prossima gara, sarà tra pochi giorni a dallas. dennis james, dalla sua pagina fb, scrive:"Lionel Beyeke is back on track and in good spirit. Despite his placing in Rio Lionel is back in Paris and back at giving it 100%. Lionel has no hard feelings at all and says he has no control over the judges nor any any of the athletes, but he wants me to tell you the fans that all the positive comments from all over the world helped him to bring his mind back to where it should be and he is giving it his all to make you the fans proud. You will see Lionel compete in New York and Toronto the week after New York. I'm convinced that Lionel will be just as good if not better and then let's see where the chips will fall. We are all proud of you Lionel so keep your killing it and don't even worry no more about what happened in Rio because everybody saw and know where you should've placed" 
 dj essendo il preparatore di lionel, è un po' polemico per il risultato ottenuto a rio... e ovviamente chi non lo sarebbe? però ci da nuove info sulle gare a cui lionel parteciperà: toronto e new york pro.