
2014 new york PRO: lionel beyeke.

a new york lionel ha deluso un po' le aspettative... infatti si è presentato un po' soft rispetto al suo solito e come sicuramente ricorderete, lionel ha ottenuto il quarto posto.ecco che cosa scrive dennis james, dalla sua pagina fb su lionel:Lionel Beyeke not even close to his best at the 2014 New York pro. After putting together an extremely impressive package at the Arnold in Rio, Lionel came to New York not being where we thought he would be but still with his very beautiful structure and symmetry he ended up in 4th place. But now it's on to Camp Menace. Lionel will follow us to Phoenix for the next 2 weeks leading up to the Toronto Pro. I can promise you right now that the Lionel you will see stepping on stage I'm Canada will be a total different Lionel from what you saw in New York.Champ, get ready for some grueling training and cardio session and don't be surprised if you won't see to many carbs for a while.la prossima gara sarà a toronto e lionel sarà seguito per due settimane da dennis james e sul palco canadese lionel porterà la sua migliore forma fisica.