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U.S. marshal killed serving arrest warrant in W. Virginia

CHARLESTON, West Virginia (Reuters) – A deputy U.S. marshal was fatally shot and two others were wounded on Wednesday as they were trying to arrest a West Virginia man. who also was killed in the exchange, the U.S. Marshals Service said.Charles Smith, 50, opened fire with a shotgun as several marshals entered his home at about 8:30 a.m. in Elkins, West Virginia, about 140 miles northeast of Charleston, said Jeff Carter, spokesman for the Marshals Service in Washington, D.C.The marshals were serving an arrest warrant on Smith, wanted on cocaine charges, Carter said.As the marshals entered Smith's home, they were struck by the shotgun blast. They returned the gunfire, killing Smith, Carter said.He said one deputy marshal died of his wounds. A second was recovering at a local hospital, and the third was treated and released.Smith was wanted on a charges related to possession with intent to distribute cocaine, Carter said.The marshals' names were not immediately released.(Reporting by Ellen Wulfhorst; Editing by Jerry Norton)Mystic Motion .In the House of vocal and dub (with King Tubby) .Developing .Bring Down the Walls .Lovely Society