Post N° 592

http://blog.stopthesealhunt.comIt’s a breathtaking vision: an endless sea and sky filled with white as far as the eye can see. In one of nature’s most beautiful spectacles, hundreds of thousands of baby harp seals call out to their mothers, alone on the ice for the first time.But this scene of peace and tranquility is about to end. Today, the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans has once again opened the annual seal hunt off Canada’s East Coast. In a matter of hours, the ice will run red with the blood of these helpless baby seals, some as young as three weeks old, who are clubbed or shot to death for their fur. Some may even be skinned alive or die trapped under the ice after being injured.I urgently need your help to bring an end to this cruel slaughter.The majority of these baby seals will be killed in just a matter of days. Speed - not mercy - is the rule as sealers try to kill as many seals as possible in the short time available to them. Year after year IFAW hunt observers document abuses such as live seals being hooked and dragged across the ice or shot and left to suffer before being clubbed again some time later. IFAW hunt monitors risk their lives each year by taking to the ice to film the hunt, documenting the cruelty and sharing the truth about the seal hunt with the rest of the world. We will not let the world forget about this cruel and unnecessary hunt. I hope that I can count on you to stand with us. This year the pressure to end the commercial seal hunt in Canada is greater than ever. International opposition to the hunt is growing. Thanks in large part to IFAW’s efforts, legislation to ban seal products is advancing in a number of countries, including: Germany, Italy and Austria. The U.S., Mexico, Croatia, Belgium, The Netherlands and Slovenia already have bans on importing seal products.I have no doubt that with your help we will end the hunt, no matter how long it takes. Thank you for your continued support. Sincerely,Fred O'ReganPresident and CEOP.S. The majority of Canadians are opposed to the hunting of seal pups under any circumstances. Together, we can help make their wishes come true. Watch the entire collection of Seal Hunt videos on IFAW's YouTube page.