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Judge throws out Padilla suit over alleged torture

CHARLESTON, S.C. – A federal judge has tossed out a lawsuit alleging a man convicted of plotting terrorism was tortured at a Navy brig in South Carolina.U.S. District Judge Richard Gergel on Thursday ruled Jose Padilla has no right to sue for constitutional violations and that the defendants enjoy qualified immunity.Gergel's decision said a trial would turn into an "international spectacle" with the nation's present and former leaders summoned to a courtroom to answer Padilla's charges.The lawsuit named Defense Secretary Robert Gates among others.It alleged Padilla was illegally detained as an enemy combatant and tortured in the brig by being kept in darkness and isolation, deprived of sleep and religious materials, and kept from family and attorneys.Something for Sundays .Global DJ Broadcast (1 november 2004) .Step Inside and Buzz Saw (SCM006) .Omega (INSMX329) .Haicut