
Is it cheaper to buy or rent a prom dress?

I&#039;m going to prom my junior year, so I&#039;m not planning on paying too much for prom because it won&#039;t be as huge of deal as it will be next year for me.  I want a prom dress that&#039;s under 100 dollars, would it be cheaper to rent or buy a prom dress? Thanks &lt;3<br />evening dresses                               <br />This definitely depends on where/how you shop. There are TONS of dresses you can just buy for way less than $100, as long as you get it on sale! I��d suggest you just buy one because renting can get pretty expensive��possibly even more than buying one. Also, if you buy it you can wear it again for something else too later. Another benefit of not renting but buying is because when you rent, you have less choices.<br>formal evening dresses<br>I would suggest you go to your favorite dress store and just look around in the sales racks. Also, you can look for outlet stores. Idk where you live so I can��t help you, but I know that near where I live, there��s a ton of outlet stores for shops that are regularly REALLY REALLY expensive. Macy��s is also a good place to go dress shopping if you have a lot of time. Try on everything that;s your size and is in your price range, and see what you like. <br><br>Have fun at prom! Hope this helped!! :]