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Highlights: Execs at APEC meeting pin hopes on U.S. economy

YOKOHAMA, Japan (Reuters) – Corporate executives attending an Asia-Pacific meeting are counting on a recovery in the U.S. economy to boost trade, although say uncertainties over currencies and economic policies remain a threat to business.Following are comments at news conferences and on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO summit, held in Yokohama, south of Tokyo.TOSHIYUKI SHIGA, CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER, NISSAN MOTOR CO, on the global economy next year:"I think the U.S. market will be a big key ... (The) quantitative easing, as far as quantitative easing goes, is pretty much at the limit of what can be done. So if it doesn't recover from here it would be tough to take the next step."He noted U.S. auto sales in October were stronger and said he hoped that the seasonally adjusted annual rate of sales (SAAR) would recover toward 13 million units toward the end of 2011."If this trend continues, and the U.S. (economy) grows, then the mood for the whole (global) economy would improve. Europe is still on shaky ground but better than crisis levels."On foreign exchange movements:"It would be difficult to see the yen falling during the first half of the year. Maybe we could see it going to 83 or 84 yen (per dollar) but for us that's still a strong yen. For us, the yen would have to go past 90 or 100 yen (per dollar) to be considered a cheaper yen."On the possible impact on business from QE2 round of quantitive easing:"Massive money (from QE2) has made it more difficult for us to foresee various things. It now has become more difficult to see how the dollar/yen rate will move. And the oversupply of money could gradually raise raw material prices, which could have a negative impact on our business. I am afraid that could again hurt the global economy and lead to another QE."LINDSAY FOX, FOUNDER, LINFOX (Australia's second-biggest trucking company), on Obama's goal of doubling U.S. exports:"It's a very difficult thing. When I first started my business, America was the biggest truck producer in the world, today they only have two producers of motor trucks. Just in that area alone we have had huge turnaround."When I was a young fellow and went to America and bought shirts from Brooks Brothers on the label it had made in U.S.A, union labor. Now if I buy a shirt in America it is anywhere from Indonesia to China and to reverse that even from a cost structure point of view and try and export it's a huge (problem)."Obama is doing what he can to put his economy together but it's got to start within. People have got to go and want to buy U.S.A. rather than something a little cheaper."Lexxxus Sound mp3 downloads.Resident (7 march 2009) albums.Angel mp3 songs download.Live on 102fm radio Tel-Aviv SET1 (25 september 2003) music mp3.Featured Material volume 3 (mixed by DJ-JS 1) mp3 albums