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We out dis Bish! you aint met a nigga like me,proli never will she was proli wearin a girdle cuz she looked lk she cudnt breathe 4rm suckin it in so long4that un-natural picture..proli Buspar i am losing weight on Buspar i am losing weight on Buspar and marijuana Buspar i am losing weight on Buspar i am losing weight on Buspar and marijuana photoshopped 2 lol - Lol this is not the westergas but 10 years Valid ... Great surpris e! , yea! except my dad said when do the boys get in on saturday then i was like, what! There coming? So its not a surpris ... surpris moment: brings d event chef on stage. 'Woat kinda aid does kenya nid' he asks him; jokin dt he's tryna pul a kanyePresident Obama to speak at HRC dinner about effects of Buspar on fetus effects of Buspar on fetus LGBT rights. LIVE ON CNN 8pm EST/5pm PST we are running the president's full remarks live tonight on cnn. prez on his way. will speak as soon as he arrives. wanna know ur thoughts. While the president does not support same-sex marriage, he does want to repeal the Defense of Marriage... Joe Solmonese is set to address the crowd to introduce the President President Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize... for continuing war? RT 8pm ET/ LIVE - President Obama at Human Rights Campaign Dinner 90.1 FM(DC), XM 132 & Yo Mr. President, I'm really happy for you. I'm a let you finish...but Gandhi was one of the greatest peacemakers of all time...of ALL time. RT : RT : Tebow for Pr